Free, Easy-to-use, Simple Warehouse Management Excel Template

How to design simple warehouse management excel file, which is easy to understand and easy to use? In the following article, Viindoo will provide some free Excel file templates to manage the export, import, and inventory. All of these files can be downloaded and used immediately.

Free, simple warehouse management Excel file template compilation

It can be said that Excel file templates are useful tools for management, with which inventory is made easier and more convenient. These templates can be of great help for wholesale, retail, and factory management.

Currently, depending on different characteristics, each type of goods will be managed by series number/Imei, batch date, or by composition, etc. Download the 5 following templates to manage your inventory your way.

  • Download the warehouse management excel template 1 here
  • Download the warehouse management excel template 2 here
  • Download the warehouse management excel template 3 here
  • Download the warehouse management excel template 4 here 
  • Download the warehouse management excel template 5 here 
  • Download the warehouse management excel template for retail shop here 

Simple Warehouse Management Excel Template

>>>> Learn More: 10 ways for effective inventory management or

Tired of manual warehouse management? Automate it now!

  • Automate inventory tracking and warehouse operations for increased accuracy and efficiency.
  • Streamline stock management, order fulfillment, and real-time updates.
  • Ensure compliance with safety and operational standards.
  • Gain actionable insights with detailed warehouse analytics and performance metrics.

Learn more

Required information in simple inventory Excel file

The inventory management Excel file includes detailed data to support the management of daily ins and outs. The structure of an Excel file for inventory management will include the following information:

  • Brief information about the company: General information, report time;
  • Data entry: Material name & code, bookkeeping date, supplier, document, etc.;
  • Categories: Name and code of materials, unit, quantity, supplier, address, etc.;
  • Warehouse number: Material name, material code, supplier, detailed description, ins and outs information, bookkeeping time, documents, etc.;
  • Classification of documents, the number of goods in and out, inventory counts or
  • Ins and outs information: Name of goods, goods code, a unit of goods calculation, etc.;
  • Inventory movement form: Name of goods, a unit of measure, information or materials, code of goods, specifications, the quantity of exported goods calculated according to invoice, unit price, amount, notes, etc.;
  • Inventory bookkeeping: Number of vouchers, description, the number of goods in the period, the number of goods in stock at the end of the period, time of documents, etc.

For all businesses today, the implementation of the process of managing materials plays an extremely important role, helping the overall operation of the business to go smoothly and more efficiently. Therefore, businesses need to manage materials accurately by fully and continuously updating changes in the warehouse. A management file will usually include the following components:

  • Home: item name, file name, requester, approver;
  • Report: Sequence number, name, frequency, quantity;
  • Issuance of vouchers: Order number, date of issue, unit of calculation, total number, time, number of vouchers, driver information, vehicle number;
  • Vehicle list: Vehicle number, weight, type, contact, note.
A basic Excel file sample import and export

A basic Excel file sample import and export

How to create an inventory management file template on Excel

We will show you how to create the most standard Excel file with just 3 simple steps. Depending on the business field, you can add or remove information sheets accordingly.

  • Step 1: Create a completely new Excel file.
  • Step 2: Proceed to create 5 new sheets with the names respectively: Home, Category, Import, Export, Report.
  • Step 3: Perform appropriate data entry for each created sheet. Specific information is as follows:

Sheet HOME: The information is the same as the Excel files mentioned above

Sheet CATEGORY: This sheet includes the general information of items as follows: item name, item code, unit for measurement, etc. When searching for item code, the remaining information will be automatically displayed.

Sheet IMPORT: Enter the following information: Unit supply, time, item code, item name, quantity, item price, total amount. In addition, the following additional information can be entered: Supplier code & address, voucher number, phone number, additional notes.

Sheet EXPORT: Enter full information including: Time, item name, item code, unit for measurement, quantity, price, total revenue, customer information (name & customer code), address, phone number, document number, other notes.

Sheet REPORT: This column must contain all the information depending on the type of report. The Information will include:

  • Import and Export Report: item name, quantity of item in and out, quantity of inventory at the end of period.
  • Sales report: Name of goods, quantity of goods sold, revenue
  • Professional warehouse management Excel files: sales report for each period, profit and loss information of each item, current and minimum inventory quantity, out of stock warning.
Create a new Excel file and import the most complete and accurate warehouse import and export data

Create a new Excel file and import the most complete and accurate warehouse import and export data

>>>> Read More: Inventory software

Tired of manual warehouse management? Automate it now!

  • Automate inventory tracking and warehouse operations for increased accuracy and efficiency.
  • Streamline stock management, order fulfillment, and real-time updates.
  • Ensure compliance with safety and operational standards.
  • Gain actionable insights with detailed warehouse analytics and performance metrics.

Learn more

Formulas for simple inventory management file

You must understand the fundamentals of Excel if you want to use Excel file to manage inventory easily. Viindoo will introduce some basic Excel formulas so that you always know how to process data in the fastest way.


Formula detailUses
=SUM(A2,B3,C6)To sum 2 or more data cells
=SUM(A2:A9,">10")To generate conditional summation function
SUMPRODUCT=SUMPRODUCT(C2:C4,D2:D4)To calculate the total value of goods
=CONCATENATE(A1,B1,C1,D1)To combine the contents of data cells A1, B1, C1, D1
=AVERAGE(A2:A20)To calculate the average value from data cells A2 to A20
=COUNT(B1:B10)To count numbers from data cells B1 to B10
COUNTIF=COUNTIF(B1:B10,">9")To count numbers from data cells B1 to B10 with the condition 
Example of Sumif formula in Excel for warehouse management

Example of Sumif formula in Excel for warehouse management

Effective warehouse management solution to replace Excel

Currently, many business owners choose Excel files for inventory management. This tool is completely free, as long as you can acquire a certain understanding of Excel. However, this traditional tool also causes many disadvantages such as:

  • Excel functions are quite complex, so manual data entry will require a lot of time and careful study.
  • Excel files do not have the ability to connect to other applications to support thorough inventory management.
  • Data is not secure because all information is stored only on computers. If you accidentally lose or damage your computer, all data will be at risk of being lost or stolen.
  • Data cannot be simultaneously updated between different departments, as only one person can edit the file at a time, which takes a lot of time.

Therefore, in order to overcome these limitations, Viindoo Sales and inventory management software was created to help businesses have a more professional inventory process. Viindoo Inventory contributes to helping businesses improve their competitiveness and improve the efficiency of inventory management in the supply chain.

Here are some of the utilities available in Inventory & Supply Chain management software Viindoo:

  • Real-time inventory tracking;
  • Automatic notifications;
  • Automatic updates on inventory whenever any kind of movement happens;
  • Detailed parameters, location & arrangement rules, ins and outs forecast, etc.;
  • Classification of items by group, code, batch number, serial, size, condition, etc.;
  • Traceability based on Lavoisier & Double Bookkeeping principle.

Discover Viindoo Inventory Software

The All-in-one Inventory Software for SMEs. Automate your inventory process leading to increased efficiency, accuracy, and ultimately, cost savings.

Learn more

The above article is all information about simple warehouse management excel file that Viindoo wants to share. If businesses want to be consulted on effective warehouse management, please contact us immediately at the hotline 02257309838 for the fastest support!

Free, Easy-to-use, Simple Warehouse Management Excel Template
Jun Nguyen January 18, 2023