
Viindoo ERP for Fashion & Apparel Retail 

​Powerful fashion retail software includes ERP, PoS, and more. 

Ideal solution for multiple stores, control everything in only one platform.

For apparel retail, garment stores, clothing shop, and accessories boutiques.

From local brands to international ones, from distributors to franchise stores.

Scalable with business growth

Viindoo ERP Software for Fashion and Apparel Industry

All-in-one solution for fashion retail

ERP software connects multiple stores on a single platform, integrating all necessary technologies to provide an Omnichannel solution from retail stores to e-commerce, loyal customer management, financial accounting, production, warehouse management, and supply chain.

HA Fashion logo

Emall logo

KvilVietnam logo

Excellent technology for fashion retail stores

Integrate all devices. Always connected anytime, anywhere.

ERP Software for Fashion and Apparel Industry

Offline remains active

Stay operational with online and even after complete disconnection. Thanks to cloud computing technology, data is stored and synchronized when the Internet connection is restored.

Inventory and sales with barcode scanner

Using barcode scanners to search for products by barcode facilitates fast and accurate inventory management.

Integrate hardware devices with IoT Box

Easily connect to many point of sale devices such as barcode scanners, receipt printers, cash drawers, handheld vending machines... to help make sales faster.

Free Trial Now

No credit card required

How we can help your fashion & apparel business

While some ERP software for fashion provide only limited functionality, Viindoo consolidates all your operations, ensuring seamless operation for your apparel business.

Product Information

  • Manage products by SKU, classify by category to track inventory levels and sales performance accurately.
  • Utilize attributes such as color, size, design, material, and any other relevant characteristics to provide detailed product information to customers.
  • A single source of truth for product data, including descriptions, images, pricing, and inventory levels.

Inventory for all channels

  • Manage product inventory for multi-channel sales activities. 
  • Manage inventory with unlimited warehouses, suitable for chain stores
  • Automated resupply ensures sales are maximized with appropriate inventory levels.
  • Implement just-in-time inventory management practices to minimize carrying costs while ensuring that sufficient stock is available to fulfill customer orders.

Customers and Contacts

  • Manage all customer information along with their contacts and locations. 
  • Keep track of each customer's order history, including past purchases, returns, and exchanges, to anticipate future buying behavior and tailor marketing.
  • Manage payment terms, credit limits, and payment methods for each customer

Grow Sales - Wholesale and Retail

  • Handle large orders quickly and accurately.
  • Expand your sales reach through various channels: eCommerce store, retail stores, and wholesale marketplaces.
  • Integration with POS provides an O2O experience for customers.
  • Seamlessly integrate inventory management and order fulfillment across all sales channels to maintain consistency and efficiency.
  • Integrate multiple payment gateways into your eCommerce platform to offer customers a variety of payment options and enhance security.

CRM and Marketing

  • Provide exceptional shopper experiences in stores, online, and on mobile devices.
  • Data on customer interactions across all sales channels in real-time
  • Use CRM systems to centralize customer data and enable cross-channel communication and collaboration.
  • Manage sales discounts and promotional programs to drive sales and increase conversion rates.
  • Track Marketing campaign performance: Mass mailing, SMS, Social media, and more.

Financials and Accounting

  • Track and manage revenue streams from product sales, services, and other sources.
  • Control costs associated with production, sourcing, marketing, and operations.
  • Manage budgets for product development, marketing campaigns, and overhead expenses.
  • Manage invoicing and payment from customers, suppliers and vendors.
  • Generate accurate and timely financial reports: income statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statements.

"Viindoo software has revolutionized our fashion business, streamlining inventory management and accelerating sales like never before!"

Viindoo ERP Software for Fashion and Apparel Industry

Viindoo ERP Software for Fashion 

Manage the fashion and apparel business with Viindoo Software

Viindoo Inventory icon


Manage all your warehouses

Viindoo Purchase icon


Deal with your Supplier

Viindoo Invoicing icon


Invoices and payments

Viindoo Sales icon


Grow sales. Manage sales team

Viindoo POS icon

Point of Sale

Manage retail store

Viindoo Ecommcerce icon


Boost sales with online store

Viindoo CRM icon


Manage customers, contacts

Viindoo Dashboard icon


Real-time automated reports

Free Trial Now

No credit card required

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FAQs about Fashion Retail Software

Inventory Management Software: Inventory management software helps fashion companies track and manage their inventory levels, optimize stock levels, and minimize stockouts and overstock situations.

Retail Management Software: Retail management software, also known as point of sale (POS) software, helps fashion retailers manage their sales transactions, inventory, customer information, and store operations. It enables retailers to process sales, manage promotions, and track customer interactions in-store and online.

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Software: ERP software for Fashion integrates core business processes such as inventory management, supply chain management, financial management, and customer relationship management into a unified system. It helps fashion companies streamline operations, improve efficiency, and make informed decisions across all areas of the business.

Viindoo ERP Software for Fashion industry charges according to the actual number of monthly users, allowed access to all applications. Checkout here:

Can I install and deploy Viindoo ERP system by myself?

You absolutely can. We provide detailed documentation to guide you through the installation and deployment of your business system. In case your data is too complex and you're unsure where to start, we offer Consulting & Implementation Services to make it easier for you.


Viindoo software provides Viindoo Customizer app to help businesses adjust and design applications to suit their management needs.

Besides, the software is built according to a modular structure, easily expanding applications according to specific needs without having to rebuild the ERP system from scratch. We also provide customization services so businesses can choose to develop additional features as required.

Got questions about how a Fashion ERP system can transform your business?

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