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Progress chart significantly helps investors, project supervisors, contractors, and employees to monitor the implementation process and evaluate project quality. Read the article by Viindoo to know how to create progress chart in .construction and which software to use for management efficiency.

What is a progress chart?

A progress chart is a text or diagram that shows the progress of a construction project. This is also a legal document between the contractor and the investor through the commitments made during the project implementation. The chart also sets the basis for the investor to monitor the progress of the project and check the project quality.

progress chart

Work progress presentation

 See More: What is a project? Types and presentation of a basic project

Download the free progress chart samples in Excel

Download free templates of progress chart in excel right here:


create progress chart

Progress chart sample in Excel

Why is it necessary to create a progress chart in construction?

A progress chart is important for schedule management, helping monitor the work progress and allocate time for tasks. In addition, the progress chart helps managers and partners easily evaluate work efficiency and make adjustments if necessary.

Depending on the stage of a project, the construction progress chart performs different functions:

  • When the project has not been implemented: The chart should detail tasks to be done, the time to start and finish, estimated cost, etc.
  • When the project is being implemented: The chart supports tracking and monitoring the work progress to ensure quality and completion on schedule.
  • When the project is completed: Appraise the quality and perform the inspection of the work based on the standards of the proposed plan.
how to create progress chart in excel

The construction progress chart is the basis for assessing the process and quality of the project

Instruction for making progress chart

The construction progress chart can be different depending on the nature and size of the project. In general, a method to create progress chart consists of 6 steps below:

Step 1: Define tasks

Defining the task is the first step in creating the progress chart. After you have all the tasks, divide them into stages of progression. The content of the chart should include the project requirements with an appropriate schedule.

Step 2: Organize the order of work

In this step, you arrange the tasks in order of priority and allocate time for each task. Thus, you will know which work needs to be done first and which jobs can be done in parallel. The work order also helps you know which stages are important and focus on them.

Step 3: Calculate total costs

Projects require multiple sources of finance and other resources. Basically, a project includes:

  • Human resources
  • Maximum budget to implement the project
  • Fixed costs
  • Raw materials, ingredients, machinery, equipment, etc.
  • Time from start to finish.

Step 4: Calculate the project implementation period

After you have arranged the work and calculated the total costs needed for the project, the next is to determine the project implementation period. Some suggestions for you to determine reasonable timelines to ensure the project is completed on schedule:

  • Get advice from experts or people with experience in estimating time.
  • Use estimating software.
  • Use the PERT formula: (Pessimistic Time + 4 x Possible Time + Positive Time) /6.

 Step 5: Build a progress chart

In this step, you will build a progress schedule based on the steps completed above. The chart should include the content of the order of work to be done, the implementation and completion time, the costs needed for the project, and the implementation schedule. These elements are arranged in a tabular pattern.

Step 6: Implement and monitor

The chart will be the basis for the contractor or the construction supervisor to rely on to monitor the progress of the project. Thanks to the progress chart, the investor can check easily and know at which step the construction process is being carried out and whether it is following the plan or not.

3 effective construction schedule planning

Viindoo Project software

Viindoo Project is a project management software that integrates outstanding features to bring efficiency to businesses. These features include project and task planning and progress tracking on one system. The advantages of Viindoo Project are:

  • Flexible management software that makes projects and jobs easier.
  • Support for work progress monitoring: The tasks are arranged in order of priority, easily controlling the work in each stage.
  • A modern interface and scientific presentation: The progress table is presented from many perspectives with intuitive and vivid charts.
  • Support for work division and department linkage on one interface.
  • The feature of forecasting needs and resources.

To try it out, please contact Viindoo for advice and support.

  • Address: 6th Floor, Taiyo Building, No. 97 Bach Dang, Ha Ly Ward, Hong Bang District, Hai Phong, Vietnam.
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Viindoo Project is an effective support tool in project management and planning

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Plan and track project progress anytime, anywhere with Viindoo Project. Standardize work processes and management processes. 

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Microsoft Project

Microsoft Project is powered by Microsoft. The main function of the software is to support project management, financial management, workload analysis, resource allocation, and project progress tracking. 

method to create progress chart

Microsoft Project owns basic functions for construction planning

Gantt Plus

Gantt Plus is an online work management software with project management support functions. In the system, the progress board is intuitive, simple, and easy to understand. With this, you can easily build and understand workflows and relationships between tasks.

construction progress chart

Gantt Plus owns a simple interface and is easy to use

The article introduces effective progress chart for businesses to track projects and tasks. Besides, to improve management efficiency, businesses can use the additional supporting software. If businesses want to know more information about these software platforms, please contact Viindoo via the hotline at 02257309838 for support.

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