What is the 5S Methodology? Applying 5S in businesses successfully

Sort - Set in order- Shine - Standardize - Sustain

5S methodology focuses on putting everything where it belongs—helping create a clean, convenient, efficient, and safe work environment. Applying the 5S methodology will help you change unworthy habits and practice good habits in life and work. So what is 5S? How can you apply the 5S methodology in your enterprise? Let's find out with Viindoo in the article below.

What is the 5S methodology?

5 acronyms of the 5S methodology is a list of five Japanese words: seiri (整理), seiton (整頓), seisō (清掃), seiketsu (清潔), and shitsuke (躾). These have been translated to English as "sort", "set in order", "shine", "standardize", and "sustain".

5S is a popular performance enhancement program in Japan and many countries around the world. This is one of the sharp tools in the toolbox of Lean Manufacturing. Each “S” represents a part of a five-step process that can improve the overall functioning of the business. In particular:

Classify and eliminate unnecessary items in the work area.
Set in order Arrange scientifically and reasonably the necessary items.



Sanitize and clean the work area regularly.



Maintain and repeat the implementation of 5S activities continuously.



Cultivate habits and self-discipline in implementing 5S.

What is 5S?
What is 5S?

1.1. SERI

The first step of 5S, Sort, involves going through all the tools, materials, equipment, etc. in a work area to determine what is necessary and what can be removed. S1 is usually performed periodically. You can easily get rid of unnecessary things that may hinder work or take up space by answering these questions:

 What is the purpose of this item?

 When was this item last used?

 How frequently is it used?

 Who uses it?

 Does it need to be here?


SEITON (Set in order): Once the clutter is gone, it's easier to “set” everything “in order”, also known as “Systematic organization”. This step aims at organizing the work area. Each item should be easy to find, use, and return—everything in its place and identifiable. S2 is an activity that needs to be strictly followed.


SEISO (Shine): The 3rd step in the 5S is "Shine". Whereas the first and second steps free up space and organize the work area efficiently, the third step focuses on removing the dirt that has accumulated in the clutter and preventing it from coming back. This task should be done regularly by all individuals, each of whom should clean their own work area and the equipment they use.


SEIKETSU (Standardize): The first three steps of the 5S process serve short-term benefits. Step 4, "Standardize", is understood as the periodic maintenance and standardization of the first 3S systematically. It is said that "If it's not written down, it didn’t happen". Therefore, to keep up doing 3S, it is necessary to establish standard regulations, stating the precise scope and responsibilities of 3S for each individual, as well as the manner and frequency of deploying 3S for each position. S4 paves the way for lasting change and development in the organization.


SHITSUKE (Sustain): The 5th step of the 5S program is getting ready. Willingness is reflected in employees' awareness of the 5S activity. All employees understand the importance of 5S and proactively combine 5S standards with work. In the long run, 5S as a program forms part of the organizational culture and brings positive transformation to the business.

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2. Benefits of 5S methodology in the business

5S is an effective program to mobilize human resources, improve the working environment and enhance labor productivity. It is easy to observe the benefits of 5S such as:

  • A clean, airy working environment, where everything is placed right where it needs to be.
  • Better use of time: Managing employee timesheets is crucial in running a company. People spend less time finding and getting what they need and instead can be more productive.
  • Less wasted space: People eliminate unnecessary storage space and make room for useful applications. Every square meter of floor space comes with a cost, and making the most of that investment can maximize the return on your facility.
  • Reduced injury rate: Organizing an efficient workspace and regularly cleaning up will eliminate possible accidents when moving. 
What is 5S?
The 5s Methodology makes workplaces convenient.
  • Reduced equipment downtime: When tools and equipment are kept clean, checked regularly, and standardized for usage, it is much easier for us to maintain and prevent failures. Major breakdowns can be completely prevented.
  • Standardized work processes: With fewer variables and mistakes, overall productivity can be significantly improved.
  • Higher employee morale: When 5S principles are applied effectively, employees’ input is valued and their performance is acknowledged. This creates an environment where employees can feel comfortable about their work and interested in improving the company

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Businesses-apply-5S-program-for-manufacturing-enBusinesses apply 5S program for manufacturing

Besides the significant benefits, this model still has certain disadvantages:

  • Constraints: Sometimes employees will feel that the implementation of these principles is forced, constrained by stereotypes, leading to forced implementation, coping.
  • Difficult to evaluate objectively: Since the criteria are built on a quantitative basis, the evaluation will depend on an objective view, not with qualitative factors and specific evaluation criteria.
  • Training employees to implement 5S is very important, so businesses need a knowledgeable person to convey and guide.

Each model has its own pros and cons. If businesses are aware of this, it will help them optimize the benefits and take measures to minimize the disadvantages.

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Steps to apply 5S in Business

What is 5S?

Step 1: Set a course of action

  • To start implementing a 5S methodology, managers need to develop a course of action. All members must master the content of the 5S program to apply to their daily work routines.
  • 5S can be included in the evaluation and reward criteria for individuals and departments.
  • A 5S team should be established to direct and monitor the implementation process.

Step 2: Launch the program

  • Announce the significance and content of the 5S program to all involved.
  • Define expectations and expected outcomes of the 5S system.
  • Carry out training and guidance.

Step 3: Implement 5S

  • Follow the 5S process: Seiri (Sort) - Seiton (Set in order) - Seiso (Shine) - Seiketsu (Standardize) - Shitsuke (Sustain).

Step 4: Repeat action

  • Note the results and continue to do S1, S2, and S3 on a daily basis.
  • Compare actual performance with initial expected results.

Step 5: Periodically assess

  • Regularly feedback on 5S adoption
  • Organize weekly 5S assessment: cross-review between departments to ensure compliance with 5S standards.
  • Quantify the results so that the Board of Directors can take timely measures

Basic factors for successful implementation of 5S

In theory, the concept of 5S can be simple, but starting a new 5S program is difficult. Businesses need to note the following to be able to implement 5S successfully:


A committed and supportive leadership

The prerequisite for a successful 5S methodology is the understanding and support from the Board of Directors in forming groups and directing the implementation. Only when there is commitment and support from the leadership do individuals in the organization follow and conduct the program seriously.

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Involvement of every employee

The secret to success when implementing 5S is to create an environment that encourages everyone's participation. 5S may be initially just an activity, but ideally, it should become part of everyone's daily routine.


5S training

Everyone involved in 5S activities needs training. For employees, they should be provided with a brief history of 5S, its components, and its benefits.

5S implementation in one organization or even one department will likely be different from others, so it is important to provide participants with a specific 5S implementation method. When attaining a proper awareness of 5S, employees voluntarily participate and are more proactive in 5S methodology.


Maintain and improve continuously

5S is not the "once and done" type of methodology. It needs to be maintained, iterated, and continually improved. That creates a common operating principle in the organization/enterprise, ensures efficiency, and improves management, production, and business.

Above are all the details of the 5S methodology, its meaning and purpose in production, business and operation activities, as well as suggestions on implementing an effective 5S program. Viindoo hopes the article is informative and useful.

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What is the 5S Methodology? Applying 5S in businesses successfully
Hue Nguyen June 16, 2024