What are check-in OKRs? Simple and effective check-in steps

Check-in OKRs is a process of checking progress towards the effective implementation of key objectives and results at the enterprise. In this article, Viindoo will introduce all the information related to the process of checking OKRs. We invite you to take a look at this article right away!

1. What are Check-in OKRs?

OKR check-in is a 1:1 meeting between employees and their managers to report progress toward achieving OKRs. After the check-in, the staff will understand the OKRs implementation process and be more confident in the process Personal OKRs

Check-in is usually done every week every day check-in OKRS, and managers and employees will discuss and discuss Key Results in employee OKRs. Check-in is not for evaluation, performance management work that only focuses deeply on issues including progress on OKRs, difficulties encountered, and how to overcome obstacles.

Check-in OKRsOKRs check-in concept

>>>> Read Details About:  What is OKR? Synthesize information about OKRs from A-Z

2. Benefits of checking in OKRs

Regular monitoring and evaluation of OKRs will help businesses, managers, and employees limit the following risks:

  • Unexpected risk: Behind seemingly smooth numbers, there are still suspicious points that can lead to "last minute" failure.
  • Risk of deviation: Tracking work through speakers, not carefully causes deviation, difficult to complete exactly as the original goal.
  • Risk of “Failing to meet expectations”: Although the work is closely monitored, the goal has exceeded the inherent ability of employees, making them unable to perform.

Thus, to minimize these types of risks, businesses apply the OKRS check-in process. It can be said that monitoring and evaluating the progress of implementing OKRs weekly will help management and personnel to adjust and make timely improvement plans to achieve the final goal. In addition, performing weekly OKRs check-in helps team members stay focused on their goals and committed to their results.

OKRs checkin
Check-in OKRS brings many benefits to businesses

3. Important factors when checking in

Here are the basic elements that OKRS checkers need to know:

OKRs progress

Data on progress and results OKRs are the cornerstones of every session checked in OKRS. This will help managers understand the progress of implementing OKRs and ask specific questions and evaluations.

To determine the progress of OKRs, employees need to be able to answer the following questions:

  • What are the specific tasks (tasks, plans) to complete the KR?
  • Has there been any change in the progress or progress of implementing OKRs since the last check-in? If so, what is it?
  • What is the current progress of these KRs? How many % completed?

From these questions, during the check-in, the staff will present the progress of each goal and the main results achieved.


After understanding the progress, the manager and staff involved in the check-in should be aware of the obstacles in the process of implementing OKRs. To determine this factor, employees need to answer:

  • What factors slow down OKRs?
  • What is the subjective cause of this obstacle?
  • What is the objective cause?

Understanding obstacles will help personnel and managers grasp the implementation of OKRs, thereby correctly predicting possible risks in the future. In addition, finding the cause of obstacles also helps the manager to proactively give suggestions and timely support.

However, if the obstacle is caused by an objective cause that cannot be overcome, the manager can solve it by considering making certain changes in the plan sheet to ensure that it is still the same. complete the goal. If necessary, the removal of some Key Results can also be performed.
How to overcome obstacles

After understanding the obstacle, HR needs to take specific actions to address the obstacle and speed up the OKRs. Employees should be the ones to make suggestions, the manager will review those initiatives for timely support.

Confidence level

While progress is seen as quantitative, confidence is qualitative. Actual data will not adequately and completely reflect confidence levels.

To find the level of confidence, employees need to be able to answer the question: Based on the available information and results, what is the level of confidence in achieving the KR?

Determine your confidence level using three color levels (Blue, Orange, Red) or emojis (Very Good, Good, Not OK)

Check-in OKRs
Capture the 4 elements for a successful check-in

>>>> Learn More: Difference Between OKRs and KPIs? Which indicator should be used?

4. Steps to implement Check in OKRs effectively

4.1 Step 1: Check in Drafts

Performing a draft check-in is a good way to official Check-in session went smoothly and achieved the highest efficiency. To save time, OKRs need to prepare data and answer questions in advance. Before starting a check-in, preparations must be completed.

In case the employee has not prepared the "Draft Check-in", the manager has the right to cancel the check-in and require full preparation at the next check-in. One-day job check-in OKRs but without preparation for check-in in advance, will lead to a waste of time for managers and employees involved, even ineffective.

Here are the questions that need to be prepared before draft check-in:

  • Progress has been made compared to previous check-ins.
  • What work is going on and what is expected to be behind schedule?
  • What obstacles are currently affecting KRs progress?
  • What plans and actions are needed to overcome obstacles?
  • How confident are you in completing OKRs? (Not very good – Good – Very good)
  • Which OKRs to fix, which OKRs to add and remove?
  • Which KRs need editing? Are any additional KRs needed to complete OKRs?

The answers must be recorded with clear data to demonstrate the results achieved through the check-ins.

4.2 Step 2: Check-in 1-1 with Manager

The manager in turn asks his employees about each OKR based on the 5 questions that the employee has drafted before:

  • OKRs progress
  • What work is going on and what is expected to be behind schedule?
  • Difficulties and obstacles
  • Take action to overcome obstacles
  • The level of confidence in completing OKRs.

At the check-in session, employees should actively report to the manager to listen, avoiding the case where the manager "talks more than listens".

The manager has the role of listening, consulting, answering questions, and asking open-ended questions. The manager then advises on how to deal with the obstacle.

In addition, employees will absorb, consider and give feedback when receiving feedback and suggestions from the manager. Evaluation and feedback from 2 perspectives will bring a comprehensive view and offer the most complete solution.

4.3 Step 3: Management Feedback and Recognition

At the end of check-in, results and problems should be carefully recorded to form a basis for comparison with subsequent check-ins.

In addition, employees and managers need to perform the following tasks:

  • Straightforward feedback: Managers have candid, clear feedback on each KR, what employees did well, and what didn't. The purpose is to help view the problem to lead to better outcomes in the future.
  • Recognition of efforts: If an employee performs well OKRs, creating great value, the manager should publicly recognize it to give that employee more motivation to perform the job.

4.4 Step 4: Identify follow-up tasks

Here's what employees and managers need to agree on:

  • Actions, upcoming work plan: Based on the implementation of OKRs in the report, employees add work to the master plan file to continue in the next week.
  • Make changes to OKRs (if needed): A change is necessary if the OKRs set out are too easy, too difficult, or unnecessary. The change must be agreed upon by both management and employees

5. Experience for effective Check in OKRs

Check-in OKRs are private meetings

At many organizations, check-in is done in the form of a group meeting to save time. But this does not work because there will not be enough time for each employee to present the most necessary information.

Therefore, a check-in, if there are more than 2 people, will make the feedback and suggestions less fair and straightforward. The check-in session also needs to ensure privacy so that the two parties can have as candid discussions as possible.

Need to determine the right mindset

Participants in the check-in session should have confidence, honesty, and positive thinking. Open-minded both sides discuss and come up with solutions with the ultimate goal of completing OKRs.

Self-guided check-in staff

Staff leading the Check-in session is especially important. Based on sample questions, employees present each of their OKRs in turn. The manager “speaks up” if he wants advice or asks for more information. This brings positivity and initiative to employees, helping them to be braver and more straightforward when it comes to problems when implementing OKRs.

On the contrary, when the manager gives too many personal opinions, employees will easily have a state of opposition to the manager instead of self-recognition.

Open communication

If both sides feel bombarded with questions or complaints, that's bad. Therefore, to help the check-in have smooth and effective coordination, it is advisable to start conversations with open-ended questions that promote discussion and thought.

Always acknowledge

At the beginning of the meeting, acknowledge the good results, improvements, efforts, and efforts of the staff to create positivity before starting check-in.

Focus, avoid distractions

Managers (and employees) need to keep other activities to a minimum – such as checking documents or emails during check-in. When both parties are actively listening, the likelihood of miscommunication is reduced and trust is also increased. You should even turn off your phone or any other distracting electronic device.

Request feedback

Employees and managers ask each other for ideas and feedback. Perform one-to-one check-ins to create a safe and trusted environment where feedback becomes a natural part of the management-employee relationship.

OKRs checkin
Experience when checking in OKRs

6. FAQ

Why is it necessary to check in weekly?

Implementation check in OKRs weekly offers many benefits, including:

  • Help employees and managers understand the progress of the goal completion week by week, so that adjustment or support measures can be taken if necessary.
  • Create a dynamic and constantly evolving working environment, encouraging employees to be proactive in achieving their goals but still have support from the manager.
  • Solve problems and questions during work, ensuring efficiency and synchronization in work.

What is the goal of checking in OKRs?

The goal of the check-in is to assess progress in implementing OKRs, find problems and obstacles, and suggest solutions.

Is it possible to do monthly/quarterly check-in instead of weekly?

To be successful and achieve ambitious OKRs goals, monthly or quarterly check-ins are not enough. If there are only one (or even three) OKRs check-ins per quarter, then management and employees won't have time to check progress and situation and find problems that are hindering OKRs implementation.

Common mistakes when performing check-in

Some common mistakes when check-in OKRs Are:

  • Failure to comply with the time and factors to be discussed during the check-in;
  • Performing the check-in session without the participation of staff implementing OKRs;
  • Do not allow personnel to present and lead the check-in session;
  • Failing to create an atmosphere of comfort and trust where employees can share their concerns or difficulties;
  • Do not prepare draft check-in;
  • Do not record upcoming decisions, actions, responses, and plans made during check-in.

Thus, the article has summarized information about the procedure to check in OKR. Hopefully, the above article will help your business in the process of managing and operating your organization. Viindoo thank you for taking the time to read this article.

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What are check-in OKRs? Simple and effective check-in steps
Viindoo Technology Joint Stock Company, Amber Nguyen March 16, 2023