10 Best Document Management Software

Document management software is an effective solution to support businesses in managing documents. The use of document management applications will help improve productivity and save time. Let's find out the 10 most popular software recently with Viindoo.

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Software name
Support for remote document management on the phone
Support for storing official documents with attachments
Viindoo Documents


iOffice VNPT






DMS Lac Viet


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Viindoo Documents document management software

Viindoo Documents is among the top electronic office systems. The software helps to digitize all clerical management activities, streamline processes and optimize efficiency in all business stages, and gather documents into a single system.

Here are some advantages of Viindoo Documents the document management software

  • Support users to share internal documents with partners and customers.
  • Allow labeling documents with stars and easy filtering of starred documents.
  • Support granting access for teams/groups. Individuals of the team/group can access documents to download and edit the group work.


Aiming to build a "paperless" business environment in the 4.0 era, Viindoo has integrated the Viindoo Documents software with other useful add-on software such as Viindoo Dashboards, Viindoo Documents - HR, Notes, Calendar, etc. This integration has created the quality Viindoo Business Management Governance System trusted by many leading businesses.

The interface of Viindoo document management software

The interface of Viindoo document management software 

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DocEye paperless document management software

DocEye is one of the best document management software with full features from basic to advanced for businesses. The software helps businesses manage all documents, saving them searching time and increasing work efficiency.

Here are some outstanding features of this document management software:

  • Identify and classify sources of document information.
  • Search and share resources unlimitedly with ease.
  • Protect documents by logically granting access to users.
  • Allow synchronizing personal documents with the public document of the business.
DocEye document management software

DocEye document management software

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iOffice VNPT document management software

iOffice VNPT document management app is powered by VNPT technology company. The software is provided with useful features and easy operations. In fact, many of today’s businesses choose to use this software.

Outstanding features of iOffice VNPT paperless document management software are:

  • Allow convenient arrangement of personal work and report for work.
  • Support multi-dimensional interaction, allowing the smooth exchange of information within a business.
  • Help leaders manage work, schedule meetings, and capture information for accurate decision-making.
  • Allow easy searching and managing of documents on computers, smartphones, tablets, etc. with one documents storage channel.
iOffice VNPT document and work management system

iOffice VNPT document and work management system

CloudOffice online document management software

CloudOffice is a well-designed document management app with useful functions to support document management, information exchange, and task management. Using the software, users can remotely monitor and operate work with an Internet connection.

Below are key features of the CloudOffice document management software:

  • Allow categorizing documents by topic, fit all departments in a business.
  • Support commenting under text or documents.
  • Support BoDs to approve and process documents for individuals and units.
  • Allow customizing and creating features for specific needs.
CloudOffice cloud document management software

CloudOffice cloud document management software

Excel document management app

Excel is one of the widely-used document management applications for important document management. The application is a useful solution to replace the traditional way of storing documents.

Excel tool allows:

  • Scientific and convenient data storage.
  • Full document statistics.
  • Ready-to-download Excel file for every employee.
  • Other useful features for directory creation.

However, this tool also has some limitations such as:

  • The Excel tool requires extensive knowledge and understanding of functions and formulas.
  • Manually entering a large amount of Excel files is prone to errors and confusion.
  • The data in the Excel file will not be highly secure and easily leaked to the outside.
  • Creating a management book takes a lot of time and effort.
Document management software with Excel

Document management software with Excel 

Codedao offline document management software

Despite the development of technology, many organizations still physically store papers and hard copies. This traditional storage takes a lot of time and effort. The Codedao offline document management software is an alternative with higher security and accuracy.

The outstanding features of this offline document management software are:

  • Offer a user-friendly interface.
  • Allow quick information history lookup.
  • Support effective tracking and processing of documents.
  • Encrypt attachments of all documents to ensure security.
  • Back up and store documents with ease.
  • Allow quick searching for documents based on criteria such as type of document, date of issue, place of issue, symbol, summary, etc.
The interface of the Codedao offline document management software

The interface of the Codedao offline document management software

C-Office document management app

C-Office online document management software is an effective solution for today’s businesses. The C-Office software helps bring high work efficiency with digitized and automated management processes.

Below are important features of C-Office software:

  • Manage work and send reminders and completion notifications via Email.
  • Manage all digitized documents available on the archival system, allowing easy management, updating, exploitation, and searching of documents.
  • Manage the organization library that stores documents about processes and guidelines, shared documents, forms, regulations, policies, etc.
  • Send notifications to employees easily with access granted to each individual.
Manage documents with the C-Office app

Manage documents with the C-Office app

Faceworks enterprise document management software

Faceworks is a high-recommended document management software owing useful features for businesses. This software helps to solve problems such as missing documents, difficulty in statistics, long document searching lead time, etc.

Faceworks software has amazing features including:

  • Securely store data in unlimited quantities.
  • Constantly update incoming and outgoing documents over time.
  • Scientifically manage and arrange records and documents by time and project.
  • Easily access and search data by different criteria.
Faceworks paperless document management software

Faceworks paperless document management software

DMS Lac Viet document management software

DMS Lac Viet document management software greatly supports businesses with the management, collection, and processing of archived records. The software provides flexible assistance for different stages of work including exploitation, lookup, collection, correction, preservation, statistical reports, etc.

Here are some features of this software:

  • Offer a simple interface for users.
  • Manage archival records of different types of warehouses such as temporary warehouses, specialized warehouses, etc.
  • Provide quick search and advanced search features and allow exporting searched files to Excel.
  • Collect, edit, preserve, look up, and perform statistical reports with ease.
DMS Lac Viet document management software

DMS Lac Viet document management software

EFY record and document management software

EFY enterprise document management software provides support for effective clerical work. The software helps handle tasks such as processing incoming/outgoing documents and keeping work records. Overall, this software is quite suitable for government departments and businesses.

Outstanding features of EFY software are:

  • Provide a user-friendly interface.
  • Send documents or notifications to many people.
  • Support performing collecting, looking up, exploiting, editing, preserving, and reporting documents statistics.
  • Store documents and records in large quantities, centralized, and high security.
EFY work record management software

EFY work record management software

In this article, Viindoo has compiled information about the latest 10 best document management software. Hopefully, businesses can find the most suitable document management app to use. If your business wants more advice on document management applications, contact Viindoo immediately at the hotline number 0225 730 9838! 

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10 Best Document Management Software
Viindoo Technology Joint Stock Company, Trần Thị Lâm Anh February 24, 2023