8 ways to effectively manage employees, promote business development

How to manage employees efficiency is an important factor in promoting the growth of a business. But with a workforce diverse in motivations, skills, and personalities, managing employees isn't always easy. So, in this article, let's explore with Viindoo 8 ways to manage subordinates most professionally..

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Identify the right talent from the recruitment stage

How to manage employees well The first is recruiting talent right from the recruitment stage. So why shouldn't these objects be ignored?Let's explore with Viindoo the essential characteristics that an excellent employee should have:

  • Honesty: An honest employee is a responsible person who always keeps his promises and does his job honestly and seriously.
  • Humility: Humility is evident in being aware of personal weaknesses and always improving on those shortcomings. Employees are not complacent, not conceited, and do not brag about personal achievements or abilities.
  • Enthusiasm: Enthusiasm at work is a definite strength that must be present in an employee. Such employees are always interested in seeking knowledge, discovering new things, ready to take on tasks and support colleagues with a positive spirit.
  • Controlling emotions: A good employee is one who knows how to control himself, not to let emotions control his actions, and has the ability to empathize with people around him.
  • Determination: Excellent employees are always ready and persistent to best complete assigned tasks.
  • Responsive: A good employee is a good listener, willing to accept feedback and suggestions from others to improve themselves.
  • Teamwork: The ability to interact and cooperate is an indispensable factor when evaluating an employee. Employees need to be able to contribute ideas and work effectively with colleagues.
  • Trustworthy: A trusted employee is someone the company can trust to delegate important tasks and key responsibilities on each project.
Reward is the most effective way to manage human resourcesIdentify, recruit and train the best candidates right away

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Measure the progress and performance of employees regularly

Measuring employee work progress and performance regularly is a How to manage employees? not easy at work environment. Because many employees do not like to be constantly checked and monitored by the manager. When evaluating employee performance, the following should be avoided:

  • Management is too detailed: Ask employees to follow their rules and focus on every little detail. This not only puts pressure and stress on employees, but also harms the development of the business. Trust your decision to hire the right people and develop management skills to increase team productivity and performance.
  • Too much positive or negative feedback: Too much positive feedback can lead to complacency and reduced performance. On the other hand, too much negative feedback can make employees lose motivation, reduce work performance. Ensuring balance and due diligence when evaluating employee performance will facilitate worthwhile growth.
  • Lack of confidentiality: Constantly monitoring employees causes fear and resentment. Employees need to feel confident that they are judged on their trustworthiness and competence.

When measuring performance and evaluate the level of job completion of employees, the evaluation method and evaluation style of the enterprise's leaders are very important. Businesses should set clear and achievable goals, tasks that employees can achieve in the near term or further. Managers should also talk and communicate regularly to ensure goals and support employees to overcome difficulties when necessary.

Reward is the most effective way to manage human resourcesUpdate, measure performance regularly to evaluate employees

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Understand personnel capacity and appropriate division of work

Competency assessment for each employee is How to manage subordinates? take a lot of time. Managers must constantly observe the work process to be able to assess the performance of employees when performing specific tasks. But once managers have an accurate view of the capabilities of each employee, they will know how to plan and work assignment reasonable.

To do this, a manager needs to have a clear understanding and overview of all aspects of the work of his team or department. Besides, you also need to understand the strengths and weaknesses of each employee. Leaders should take the time to learn about each individual's education, skills, and work experience.

Competency assessment will help manage the division of work and tasks properlyCompetency assessment will help manage the division of work and tasks properly

Encourage employees to share thoughts, opinions and ideas

Create a friendly working environment where employees can freely share their thoughts, opinions and ideas. Sometimes disjointed thoughts come together to create a great idea. Studies show that, in a positive, well-equipped environment, students are more motivated to improve their academic performance.

The same applies to employees in the workplace. No one should be restrained from expressing his or her opinion, even if it does not coincide. The important thing in How to manage employees? this is , encourage everyone to participate and contribute ideas as leadership positions. All thoughts and opinions matter. It also helps employees feel heard and cared for.

Reward is the most effective way to manage human resourcesFeel free to express your opinions and personal views to contribute to the development of the company

Regular rotation of good employees

In fact, many managers tend to keep the best employees in permanent positions. However, if a person only works in the same position for a long time, it is easy to lose enthusiasm at work. Even employees can become subjective and lose the ability to think creatively.

That's why How to manage employees? The smartest is to do the rotation between parts. However, this is only possible when employees are willing to change and have good competence. The job rotation between good employees brings many benefits.

  • First, it helps to maintain excitement and motivation at work.
  • Changing environment and new tasks help stimulate employees' creativity and flexible thinking.
  • Furthermore, internal rotation provides opportunities for employees to discover and develop new skills, thereby enhancing their professional skills and expanding their potential for contribution.

By fostering innovation and discovery, organizations can create a dynamic and creative work environment, thereby achieving sustained success. Administrators should motivate and encourage employees to express their desire and desire for change. At the same time, management should also evaluate the capacity and ability of each individual to ensure the right rotation of the right person and position.

Reward is the most effective way to manage human resourcesEmployee rotation is also an opportunity to increase relationships at work

Clarify work objectives and evaluation criteria from the outset

One of the elements of How to manage subordinates is to clearly define the objectives and evaluation criteria from the beginning. By setting clear and measurable goals, managers can tailor work to each employee. KPIs (key performance indicators) are useful tools for measuring work progress and defining evaluation criteria.

Performance reviews are not a one-time event, they need to be done on an ongoing basis and are critical to shaping the future of an organization's success. Through setting KPIs, managers can evaluate each employee's work completion and adjust work to suit each individual.

At the same time, clarifying the goals and work evaluation criteria from the beginning also helps to build a transparent and fair working environment. This will also motivate and orient employees, helping them know the job requirements and achieve specific goals.

Clearly define the goals and initial work for each job positionClearly define the goals and initial work for each job position

Align employee goals with business goals

How to manage employees The next step is to link common goals between employees and businesses.When employees only focus on personal goals, businesses and personnel will lack cohesion and cooperation. By shaping common goals and visions for each individual, businesses can promote cooperation and holistic development within the organization.

Setting goals for a company or team is a process that cannot happen overnight. To align employee goals with business goals, management needs to create an environment of enthusiastic communication with employees where they can discuss their abilities and goals. This process requires an investment of time on the part of the manager to get to know each employee, thereby building a suitable common goal.

Reward is the most effective way to manage human resourcesLinking common development goals between employees and businesses

Find out about personnel help managers set appropriate overall goals and develop specific plans to achieve them. At the same time, the appreciation and recognition of employees' contributions after completing the goal also plays an important role in creating motivation and employee engagement with the common goal.

Reward and recognize employees regularly

Reward is way Good staff management effectively, ensuring that your employees feel valued and recognized for their contributions. Through the organization of reward programs, the organization will create a positive working environment and encourage personal growth. Fair and transparent recognition and evaluation helps build self-confidence, motivates, and boosts employee performance.

Reward is the most effective way to manage human resourcesReward is the most effective way to manage human resources

Remember, effective management is not only based on directing and controlling, but also on enabling employees to grow and contribute. In addition to creating a reward program, management should also regularly provide constructive feedback and recognize employee accomplishments.

Enterprises could employ Viindoo HR Skills Framework. This application is one of  Functions of effective Human Resource Management software​ of Viindoo HRM recognition and rewards, helping managers to effectively manage employee performance and motivation. With this feature, managers can also recognize employees for their efforts in meeting company goals and objectives. By providing timely recognition and rewards, managers can ensure that employees are motivated and engaged in their work.

Above is 8 How to manage employees? effectiveness that businesses can apply to promote the development of enterprises. Remember, managing employees is not just about directing, but also about respect, motivation, and a positive work environment. Hope with the above ways of Viindoo, a reliable staff will be built to contribute to the success of the business.

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8 ways to effectively manage employees, promote business development
Jun Nguyen July 1, 2023