Product management process in 8 steps

What is product management? Learn about the product management process in this article with Viindoo.

In today's competitive business environment, businesses need to define a process for themselves product management effectively to ensure products meet market needs, achieve business goals and bring profits rather than focusing on creative ideas. Hence, this article Vindoo Will share step by step details in standard product management process, helping readers better understand the roles and responsibilities of product managers, as well as how to apply the process effectively in businesses.

What is product management?

Product management is a process that covers the entire product lifecycle, from idea generation to market launch. The role of product management is to ensure products meet customer needs and achieve business goals. 

Customers are at the center of all product management activities. To build the best quality products, product managers need to understand the needs and desires of customers; Collect and analyze feedback and build long-term relationships with customers; Always listen to the voice of the market and adjust products to best suit. Product management is a dynamic and challenging field that requires creativity, strategic thinking and leadership.

product management

What is product management?​

In the digital era, where customer needs are increasingly diverse and complex, focusing on target customer groups plays a key role in the successful development of products. When focusing on a specific customer group, businesses can spend time and resources to research and understand customer needs, desires and behaviors more deeply. From there, businesses can develop products that fully meet all aspects of users, along with increasing business revenue and profits. 

Product management process

The key to a product's success in the market is effective product management. To achieve this, businesses need to build a reasonable, scientific management process and optimize each step in the process. Below is an optimal process to help businesses improve product management: 

Come up with product ideas

In the vibrant product market, new ideas are always created from many different entities. However, to turn these ideas into successful products requires businesses to have an effective idea management strategy and conduct systematic market research.

product management

Form ideas for new products for the business

Analyze and evaluate the potential of each idea based on criteria such as market demand, feasibility, resources and competitiveness. Businesses need to eliminate inappropriate or unfeasible ideas right from the early stages to save time and resources. As well as, track the progress of idea development and adjust plans as necessary to ensure the product meets market needs and business goals.

Develop product development strategy

After completing the ideation stage with thorough market research, the business will enter the next important stage of building a development strategy for the product. This is a key stage that helps businesses concretize product development orientation, make important decisions about production, supply and effectively optimize products to meet customer needs. the best. Product strategy is an overall plan, including decisions about production, supply, marketing, sales and customer service for a product. This strategy acts as a guideline, guiding the business to carry out product-related activities effectively and consistently.

product management

Statistics, production are important jobs in the production management process

Developing products and bringing them to market

Once the strategy and product development plan have been completed, the business will enter the next important stage of product development and product launch on the market. The product development phase includes design, prototyping, and product testing activities to ensure that market needs and business goals are met. 

product management

Strategy for developing and bringing new products to market

After completing the product development phase, the business will launch new products outside the market with activities such as: sales management, trade promotion, inventory management, etc. Therefore, businesses need to pay attention to choosing the right time to launch the product, when the market is ready and there is demand for the product. As well as building a suitable marketing strategy to promote new products to target customers and build brand position. 

Building product brands

After bringing the product to market, the business's journey to conquer customers has not ended. In order for the product to achieve success and build a solid position in the market, businesses need to focus on building the product brand effectively. This will contribute to improving product value, attracting customers and creating sustainable relationships. From there, businesses can improve their competitive position and achieve their business goals.

product management

Increase brand awareness with a quality, effective branding strategy

Product promotion

The indispensable next step in a business's journey to conquer customers is product promotion. The goal of this stage is to bring the product to the public, introduce the product's features, benefits and value, thereby attracting customers' attention and motivating them to make purchases.

product management

Promote product images to consumers

Product distribution

In the process of product management and bringing products to market, satisfying and attracting customers is the top goal that businesses need to aim for. To achieve this goal, businesses need to build an effective product distribution strategy, combining multiple channels in a smart way. Choosing a distribution channel suitable for the scale and characteristics of the product is an important first step. Businesses need to consider factors such as: distribution costs, target customers, market access,... 

However, the product distribution process also includes many other activities such as: Inventory management, transportation of goods, ensuring product quality during the distribution process, etc. Therefore, businesses need to build an effective distribution system to optimize costs, minimize the risk of loss and ensure products reach customers intact, at the right time and place. 

Design appropriate sales processes

The sales process is the final stage in the product management cycle, playing an important role in turning marketing efforts into actual revenue for the business. At this stage, businesses need to build a systematic sales strategy, targeting target customers and optimizing commercial benefits. 

product management

Illustrate the online sales process

Receive reviews from customers, analyze and improve products

Collecting customer opinions and feedback about products serves as a turning point in the product management process, and is the golden key to help businesses perfect their products and improve service quality. This is an opportunity for businesses to listen to customers' voices, thereby evaluating product effectiveness, identifying strengths and weaknesses and making appropriate adjustments to best meet customer needs.

product management

Get reviews from customers, analyze and improve products

Viindoo Sales - Scientific product/service management support

Viindoo Sale is professional sales management software that helps organize scientific sales management and speed up order processing. In particular, the software provides product management features and scientific services, helping businesses easily manage products even when you have thousands of products/SKUs thanks to group classification with a genealogical structure. and bulk data import feature.

Product Management

In addition, product information is fully displayed on the software with many attributes (version, color, size, etc.) with visual illustrations to help customers easily choose the right product. want. In addition, Viindoo Sale also automatically recommends optional products, additional accessories... to display on the quote, applying the Cross-selling theory method, helping to maximize sales.

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Procedure product management in the above article by Vindoo is useful information that helps businesses determine an appropriate management process to launch products that meet market needs, increase competitive advantage and achieve business goals. 

Product management process in 8 steps
SEODO June 8, 2024