5 Sample excel file for project implementation planning [2023]

Project implementation plan template is something that many businesses are interested in to implement projects more efficiently. In the following article, Viindoo will sharewill Provide readers with scientific planning Excel templates and ways to make the most standard project plan. Follow along with us. 

1. Excel file project implementation planning template

Information required in the project implementation plan template file

Work deployment planning form in the project using Excel is a method that many businesses are currently using. In these sample plan tables include many different information corresponding to the characteristics of each business. In general, however, these forms will include the following information:

  • Start Date: The project start date.
  • End Date: The project completion date.
  • Month: When the project activities take place.
  • Person in charge: Person responsible for performing specific tasks (manager, department head, employee, ...)
  • Job title: Things to do during project implementation.

>>>> Learn More: What is the project? Types and presentation of a basic project

1.1 Model 1

Project implementation plan template The first that we share is Gantt chart. This is a template that can help businesses easily track project progress in a scientific and intuitive way.

Download Link: Here.

Gantt chart project planning templateGantt chart project planning template

The Gantt chart is widely used in both project management and business management. Viindoo is the leading provider of Project Management Software that incorporates Gantt charts. You can fully monitor the progress of the project, determine the completion level, and easily know which parts are having errors, errors to take appropriate improvement measures.

1.2 Model 2

Another Excel template that this article would like to introduce to readers is Timetable. This template will help users to closely track the execution of projects and manage them more effectively.

Download Link: Here.

Timetable project management templateTimetable project management template

1.3 Model 3

Another useful Excel template that this article would recommend is the project performance management template. This template will provide users with a lot of information related to indicators such as cost performance, progress, estimated costs, ... to support administrators in effective decision making.

Download Link: Here.

Project Performance Management TemplateProject Performance Management Template

1.4 Model 4

Project management according to Kanban model is a method applied by many businesses today. This template will help managers visualize the working process of each project team, group, and employee.

Download Link: Here.

Kanban model project management templateKanban model project management template

>>>> Learn More: What is Kanban? How to use Kanban to manage work effectively

1.5 Model 5

Project implementation costs are something that many business owners care about. Here we will introduce an Excel template to help businesses effectively manage costs during the implementation of business projects.

Download Link: Here.

Project revenue and expenditure report templateProject revenue and expenditure report template

1.6 Model of construction project implementation plan

In this section, we introduce businesses, especially organizations operating in the field of building a project implementation plan efficient construction. This file will help businesses closely manage resources and budgets to implement projects more efficiently.

Download Link: Here.

Construction project management sample fileConstruction project management sample file

2. How to make a standard project implementation plan template

2.1 Defining goals

One of the most important factors for a successful project is having clear, specific and scientific goals. Goals will help managers and employees know what the work is done for and ensure that all activities are on track for the project needs.

A project goal is effective when:

  • Complete the tasks on time.
  • Ensure the quality of work in the project.
  • Efficiently manage budgets and resources.
  • Resources are secure.
  • Limit the cases of breach of contract.
Defining goals is the first and most important step when planning a projectDefining goals is the first and most important step when planning a project

2.2 Determining the scope

To determine the scope of the project, managers need to base on many factors such as resources, policies, regulations and experience in implementing previous plans of the company. Along with that, the company can use a number of techniques to determine the scope of the project such as seeking expert advice, feedback from customers, results of market analysis, ...

At the same time, businesses need to know the needs of the project so that they can determine implementation goals. This will help managers get a view of the overall project picture and know what tasks need to be done to achieve the set goals. At the same time, determining the goals of the project is also essential to determine the correct scope of the business's implementation plan.

>>>> See More: What is the project scope? Roles and how to define Project Scope

2.3 Resource assessment

The next step in the design steps project implementation plan template resource assessment. To plan the implementation of the project, this is an indispensable step. This is important because resources are a prerequisite to know if a project is feasible or not. Resources that businesses need to pay attention to include human resources, finance, equipment, materials, ...

Along with that, businesses also need to determine the overall cost of the project. This is very important to be able to plan the right resources for the project. The costs that the administrator needs to determine include time, human resources, materials,...

Overall and comprehensive assessment of resources before project implementationOverall and comprehensive assessment of resources before project implementation

2.4 Make a plan

Creating detailed project plans is also important. This plan should be allocated for tasks from overview to detail, from simple to complex. Each proposed plan must be accompanied by a detailed feasibility assessment, implementation timeline as well as smaller goals for the general purpose.

A detailed plan helps the administrator to quickly control problems that may arise, take appropriate countermeasures as well as closely monitor the progress of the project. This will contribute to increasing project implementation efficiency, reducing unnecessary risks during implementation.

2.5 Risk assessment

When implementing any project, the administrator also needs to project risk management to predict future risks. These risks can come from the macro environment such as inflation, interest rates, government policies,... as well as from factors such as technical errors, weather, problems from suppliers. ,... These are difficult to predict accurately but are necessary to have the fastest response.

2.6 Sorting resources

If a project wants to succeed, it is indispensable for a reasonable distribution and arrangement of resources. These resources can be finance, human resources, machinery and equipment, raw materials, etc.

Administrators and project managers need to clearly define how resources are used in the project project implementation plan template. Allocating specific, detailed and appropriate resources for each task can help businesses reasonably plan resources, not waste, and ensure the right implementation of the project's goals.

Resource arrangement should be reasonable and balancedResource arrangement should be reasonable and balanced

2.7 Progress tracking

Each project has a certain time frame when launched. Monitoring progress will help administrators know how far the project has been, in accordance with the plan set out or not. At the same time, closely monitoring the progress will help businesses control the errors that take place and solve them quickly to avoid causing heavy losses.

2.8 Application of supporting tools

To project implementation planMore effectively, businesses can choose to use advanced and modern support tools. This is a method applied by many businesses to be able to create appropriate planning, manage resources well, save time and effort, and bring high efficiency.

Viindoo Project is a technology application that helps design project implementation plan template fast, efficient. With Viindoo Project, administrators can fully monitor the progress of the project, determine the completion level, easily know which parts are having errors, errors to take appropriate improvement measures.

Vindoo projectViindoo project

With a friendly and modern interface, project management software Viindoo Project will help businesses track work progress in the most intuitive way. Along with that, the software can also divide specific work for each department in the project appropriately, predict the resources needed to get the job done on schedule.

In the above post, Viindoo shared with your business project implementation plan template scientifically and intuitively. At the same time, the article also helps businesses know how to plan the most effective project implementation. Follow the next articles on our website to learn more about the latest project management methods!

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5 Sample excel file for project implementation planning [2023]
Jun Nguyen April 22, 2023