Project Management Dashboard - Why we need it?

Don't you think you know clearly about the "Project Management Dashboard"? So the next question that will be answered by Viindoo is: "Why businesses need to have it in your company?". Find out now with us.

Before we go to the point of this article, somebody in here is reading may not know about the definition of the subject we're discussing, let me scan it quick for you :

What is a Project Management Dashboard?

A task management dashboard is a visual tool that displays important information about the status of a project. It provides a quick and easy way for project managers and other stakeholders to monitor key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics, track progress, identify issues, and make data-driven decisions.

The dashboard for project management typically includes charts, graphs, and other visual representations of data that help to communicate project performance and status. It may display data such as budget vs. actual expenditures, project schedule, team workload, project risks, and milestones achieved.

Project Management Dashboard - Why we need it?
What is a Project Management Dashboard?

In addition to providing a high-level view of project performance, a project management dashboard can also allow users to drill down into more detailed information as needed. This can help project managers identify areas where improvements can be made, and take action to address issues before they become major problems.

Overall, a project management dashboard is an important tool for keeping all stakeholders informed and engaged throughout the project lifecycle. It provides a centralized location for key project data, enabling project teams to make better-informed decisions and take proactive steps to keep projects on track.

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Project Management Dashboard - Why we need it?

Provides a quick overview of project status

One of the key benefits of using a project management dashboard is that it provides stakeholders with a quick and easy way to understand the status of a project. By displaying key project data and metrics in a visual format, stakeholders can get a high-level overview of project progress and status with just a glance.

Project Management Dashboard - Why we need it?
Performance management dashboard

Improves decision making

Another benefit of using a project management dashboard is that it can improve decision-making speed. A project management dashboard provides real-time data on project progress and status, allowing project managers to make informed decisions quickly. 

By having access to up-to-date data on key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics, project managers can identify potential issues or areas where improvements can be made, and take action to address them in a timely manner. This can help to prevent problems from escalating, leading to faster resolution and better project outcomes. 

Additionally, a project management dashboard can provide a visual representation of project data, making it easier for project managers to quickly identify trends and patterns and make decisions based on that information.

Project Management Dashboard - Why we need it?
Dashboard for management

Allows for real-time tracking of KPIs and metrics

A project management dashboard is a powerful tool for monitoring project risks and identifying potential issues early on. By tracking key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics in real-time, project managers can identify when project performance deviates from the plan, allowing them to take proactive steps to address issues before they impact the project's success.

For example, if the data on the project management dashboard shows that a particular task or process is consistently behind schedule, project managers can investigate the issue and take steps to address it, such as allocating additional resources or adjusting the timeline.

By using a project management calendar to monitor project risks and identify potential issues, project managers can take proactive steps to mitigate those risks and ensure the project stays on track. This can help to improve project outcomes, reduce project delays and costs, and increase stakeholder satisfaction.

Project Management Dashboard - Why we need it?
Allows for real-time tracking of KPIs and metrics

Helps to identify potential issues and risks

A project management dashboard can be used to monitor project risks and identify potential issues early on. This allows project managers to take proactive steps to address issues before they impact the project's success.

Project Management Dashboard - Why we need it?
Helps to identify potential issues and risks

Facilitates collaboration and communication among team members

A project management dashboard serves as a centralized location for all project-related data and information, making it easier for team members to collaborate and communicate effectively. By having access to real-time data on project progress and status, team members can work together more efficiently, share updates, and coordinate their efforts towards achieving project goals.

Moreover, project management dashboards can also improve accountability and transparency within the team. By displaying project data in a visual format, the dashboard makes it easy to track individual and team performance, identify areas for improvement, and ensure that everyone is meeting their responsibilities and deadlines. This can lead to better project outcomes and a more successful project overall.

Project Management Dashboard - Why we need it?
Facilitates collaboration and communication among team members

Creates insights for strategy

Using a project management dashboard can also help create insights for strategy. By analyzing the data and metrics displayed on the dashboard, project managers can gain a deeper understanding of project performance and identify areas for improvement. This can lead to insights and ideas for strategic planning and decision-making.

For example, if the data on the dashboard shows that a particular task or process is consistently causing delays or problems, project managers can use that information to make strategic decisions about how to address the issue. They may decide to allocate more resources to that task, change the process, or implement a new technology solution to streamline the workflow.

By using a project management dashboard to gather insights about project performance, project managers can make more informed decisions and develop strategies that are based on data rather than assumptions or guesswork. This can lead to more successful project outcomes and a more efficient and effective project management process overall.

Project Management Dashboard - Why we need it?
Creates insights for strategy

Maximises project coordination

Maximizing project coordination is another benefit of using a project management dashboard. A project management dashboard provides a centralized location for project data and information, making it easier for team members to stay on the same page and collaborate effectively. 

By providing real-time data on project progress and status, a project management dashboard enables team members to work together more efficiently, ensuring that everyone is working towards the same goals and objectives. This can lead to better project outcomes and a more successful project overall.

Project Management Dashboard - Why we need it?
Maximises project coordination

How to Use a Project Management Dashboard?

Master in using Project Management Dashboard

A project management dashboard is only effective if it is used properly. Here are some steps to follow when using a project management dashboard:

  1. Determine which KPIs and metrics to track: The first step in using a project management dashboard is to determine which KPIs and metrics are most important for the project. This will depend on the specific goals and objectives of the project.
  2. Set up the dashboard to display relevant information: Once the KPIs and metrics have been identified, the dashboard should be set up to display relevant information. This may include selecting the appropriate charts and graphs and customizing widgets to meet the specific needs of the project.
  3. Regularly review and update the dashboard: A project management dashboard should be reviewed and updated regularly to ensure that it provides an accurate reflection of the project's status. This may involve updating data and adjusting charts and graphs as needed in order to give out the best project management template for all of your members get easy to know it.
  4. Use the dashboard to inform decision-making and problem-solving: A project management dashboard should be used to inform decision-making and problem-solving. This may involve using the dashboard to identify potential issues or areas where improvements can be made, and taking action based on the insights gained from the data.

Overall, using a project management dashboard requires a clear understanding of the project's goals and objectives, as well as a commitment to regularly reviewing and updating the dashboard. The dashboard should be used to inform decision-making and problem-solving, ultimately leading to better project outcomes.

Project Management Dashboard - Why we need it?
Master in using Project Management Dashboard

Here are some tips for beginer!

A project management dashboard is only effective if it is used properly. Here are some steps to follow when using a project management dashboard:

  1. Keep the dashboard simple and focused: A project management dashboard should be kept simple and focused on the most important KPIs and metrics. Avoid cluttering the dashboard with too much information, as this can make it difficult to identify key data points.
  2. Ensure data accuracy and consistency: Data accuracy and consistency are critical for a project management dashboard to be effective. Ensure that data is entered correctly and consistently to ensure accurate reporting.
  3. Regularly update the dashboard with new information: A project management dashboard should be regularly updated with new information to ensure that it reflects the most current status of the project. This may involve updating data daily, weekly, or monthly, depending on the needs of the project.
  4. Provide training and support to users: Project management dashboard users should be trained on how to use the dashboard effectively. This may include providing training sessions or tutorials, as well as offering ongoing support to help users navigate the dashboard and address any issues that arise.

Using a project management dashboard effectively requires following the best practices and tips above to ensure that they are getting the most out of their project management dashboard, leading to better project outcomes.

Project Management Dashboard - Why we need it?
Tips for beginer!


Yes, many project management tools offer customization options for dashboards. Users can choose the specific metrics, charts, and visualizations they want to include based on their project requirements and stakeholders' needs.

A project management dashboard improves team collaboration by providing a shared view of project progress and performance. Team members can access the dashboard to see task assignments, deadlines, and updates, fostering better communication, coordination, and alignment within the team.

Yes, project management dashboards can integrate with other project management tools such as task management software, time tracking tools, or communication platforms. This integration ensures seamless data flow and allows for comprehensive project monitoring and reporting.

Yes, a project management dashboard can be used for various types of projects, regardless of their size or complexity. From small-scale projects with a few team members to large-scale enterprise projects, a dashboard provides valuable insights and helps manage project information effectively.

 Are project management dashboards only for project managers?

While project managers primarily use project management dashboards, they are not limited to their use. Dashboards can be accessed and utilized by team members, executives, clients, and other stakeholders involved in the project to stay updated, contribute insights, and collaborate effectively.

In conclusion, a project management dashboard is a powerful tool that can help project managers and team members to monitor project progress, identify potential issues, and make data-driven decisions. Follow Viindoo for more appropriate management software for your business.

Project Management Dashboard - Why we need it?
Viindoo Technology Joint Stock Company, Danny Ha April 11, 2023