Reason for leaving job: 15 common reasons that employers should know​

The reason for leaving job of employees is a matter of concern to many HR professionals. Understanding the reasons for employees to leave is the key for managers to develop their human resources and increase business efficiency. In the article below, Viindoo will summarize for you 15 common reasons for employees to quit.

Why do reason for job change matter to employers?

A company with a high employee turnover rate means that employees' satisfaction with the business is quite low. The process of recruiting new employees to fill the gap consumes a lot of resources and costs for the company. The frequent resignation and onboarding of employees also causes disturbances in work and operation, and negatively affects other employees in the company.

This is why managers should understand reasons for leaving work of their employees. Knowing the reason for leaving job will help managers prevent this situation and create a better working environment.

It’s important to find out why employees leave

It’s important to find out why employees leave

15 reason for leaving job of employees

Family background

Family background is the most common reason for leaving job of employees. In some situations such as their children are too little, their parents are sick, etc., employees can't focus on completing their work. Therefore, they decided to quit jobs to take care of their families and avoid affecting the company's operations.

To solve this reason for quitting job, businesses can propose several welfare regimes such as increasing vacation days, supporting part-time / flexible working, recruiting support staff / interns, etc. if they want to retain good employees.

Lack of empathy from managers

According to a survey by Businessolver, 93% of employees said they would accompany with the company for a long time if their boss or manager understands and empathizes with them. Empathy is understanding and feeling what employees are going through, or in other words, putting yourself in the employee's shoes.

Empathy is a vital factor for leaders, especially in businesses that want to retain talented and skilled employees. A generation of leaders who understand and empathize with employees will help build effective and sustainable relationships in the business.

It’s important to find out why employees leave

Empathy and understanding are the key to connecting superiors and subordinates, helping to keep employees attached to the company.


Some employees quit their jobs because they had to change their place of residence. The re-allocation can be due to many reasons such as the high cost of living, long distance to work, inconvenience, etc.

To solve the problem related to this reason for leaving job, businesses can allow employees to work remotely or work at branches nearby the re-allocated place (if any). Some accommodation allowances, petrol allowances, etc. from the company can also help employees feel appreciated and want to stay with the company for a long time.

Incompatibility with the current job position

Not being suitable for the job position is one of the common reasons for leaving. The current position can be over or below employees’ actual ability.

If the position’s requirements exceed the employee’s capability, he would fail to meet the requirements; however, if the requirements are too low, it is not worthy of the existing experience and skills of the employee. For that reason, employees often decide to leave the company to find a position that is more suitable for themselves.

To limit this situation, businesses should regularly assess the capacity and work efficiency of employees to have a reasonable adjustment. Building a skill framework system, detailed development roadmap and corresponding training classes also help businesses always have their wanted skilled staffs.

Businesses need to show employees the development path

Businesses need to show employees the development path, long-term attachment to the company, the opportunity to improve their own capacity, thereby appreciating the work more.

Higher education

Some employees quit because they want to receive higher education for better work. During working, many employees feel they lack many necessary knowledge and skills, which urges them to enter higher education levels such as master's, doctorate, etc. The stronger knowledge base helps to serve their work and fuels future promotion opportunities.

In this case, if the employee has made the decision, businesses can maintain a positive relationship, show support, and leave a good impression on HR. If you want to retain employees, try to propose options for part-time work, remote work, project work, etc., with appropriate remuneration.

Higher education to accumulate more knowledge is among common reasona for resignation

Higher education to accumulate more knowledge is among common reasona for resignation

More challenges required

After a while of working, employees may feel that they have understood all their requirements and tasks, and are ready for a new challenge. If the company cannot meet this expectation, employees will choose to leave their current job position to find higher goals to pursue. This is an inevitable part of the development process of any employee, especially those with a progressive spirit, eager to learn and pursue a successful career.

For this reason, if businesses want to retain talented people, proposing new challenging goals, or expanding employees’ scopes of work can be a great idea.

Desire to find a job with a better salary

When employees feel their current salary is not worth the effort, they tend to look for another job with better offers. At the same time, some employees want to look for a new job that allows them to take on more jobs with the aim of getting a higher salary. When an employee's standard of living changes, they need more money to cover the necessary expenses in life.

For this reason, businesses may consider organizing assessment sessions, periodic salary reviews or adding employee remuneration to retain talent, show the recognition and interest of businesses for skilled personnel.

Salary is an important factor to retain employees

Salary is an important factor to retain employees

Lack of work motivation

Employee motivation will change over time. A job that was motivating in the past may not be the same in the present. Therefore, employees may desire to change their working environment to find passion to work. When the company cannot create conditions for employees to fulfill their passions, employees will look for a new environment that allows them to do so.

For this reason, managers can create and promote motivation in a number of ways, such as:

  • Interest-based motivation: Managers need to observe and realize that employees are interested in a particular type of work, for example, working as a team or working individually, externally or externally, etc.
  • Position-based motivation: Positions with higher duties and responsibilities will motivate employees.

Lack of recognition

When an employee does not receive the appropriate recognition for their performance, they can lose motivation to work. Responsive, positive compliments from managers can make employees feel appreciated and recognized. If the company fails to meet this, employees may choose to quit and seek another environment that can make them feel more recognized and appreciated.

In this case, managers need to pay attention to how to measure employees’ performance in the most accurate way, and offer fair remuneration regimes. Tools such as KPI, OKR will be a great assistant in this case. Of course, always show recognition to your employees with compliments and comments in daily work.

Recognition of achievements will motivate employees to work

Recognition of achievements will motivate employees to work

Conflicts with the company's working policies

Some employees prefer a company that offers flexible working hours and allows remote work. If their current company cannot meet this need, the employee will look for a new job opportunity. Similarly, sick leave, leave or compensation policies that are not in line with the wishes of individual employees can cause them to quit their jobs.

For this reason, businesses can organize assessments, surveys of employees' thoughts on the company's policies and regulations. From there, management can adjust and make appropriate policies, balancing the interests and needs of both businesses and employees.

Change in job descriptions

At the beginning of the working process, employees and the businesses will agree on the position, tasks, duties and benefits of employees under the contract. However, over time, when the company grows more, employees realize that their tasks and duties are changed more or less and different from the original agreements.

This change may mean that some employee benefits are reduced or the employee has to do other jobs that are not in the scope of the job. That's one of the most common reasons for leaving of employees.

Search for companies with clearer visions and missions

One important criteria for employees to choose a company is the vision and mission statement of the business itself. If the company has a unclear vision and mission, employees will be eager to find a new environment with more transparent values.

Therefore, employees can know whether they are a good fit for the company, and better understand their role in achieving company goals in general and personal development in particular.

Vision and mission of the business is an important factor
Vision and mission of the business is an important factor

Desire for work-life balance

Having a private time for personal life such as meeting friends, relatives, etc. is an important factor to maintain a work-life balance. If the manager is always calling and asking employees to work during breaks, they will feel exhausted. Hence, employees look forward to finding a new workplace to achieve this balance again.

Work-life balance is the key that many employees look for
Work-life balance is the key that many employees look for

Search for companies with a more stable financial situation

A company with an unstable financial situation cannot make employees feel secured at work. A great working environment with space and potential for growth, and stable salary and bonus regimes are key factors persuading employees that the company is in good financial position.

The company may consider proposing financial commitments to employees so that they feel secured to contribute to the business.

Inappropriate corporate culture

Employees tend to love what they are doing as long as their values and goals align with the company's values and development orientation. On the contrary, if the company culture is too different from the employees themselves, they cannot be able to integrate and adapt well to the working environment. Therefore, employees will choose to leave their current job to find new and more suitable environments.

This is considered the most difficult-to-avoid reason for leaving job. For other reasons, the focus is on the employees’ side, while culture is a company-wide issue. However, businesses can start with small changes such as promoting and encouraging more open and comfortable exchanges at the company.

What to do when an employee resigns?

Here are some suitable actions that a manager can refer to when an employee resigns:

  • Handle the situation calmly and professionally, do not appear too worried or express anger at the employee.
  • Find out specifically the reason for leaving current job of the employee to prevent this from happening again, especially with excellent employees in the company.
  • Listen and respect the employees’ opinions to help both parties feel comfortable and easily exchange with each other.
  • Plan the timely handover of work, at the right time by identifying the tasks that the employee needs to complete before leaving as well as the tasks that need to be handed over.
  • Prepare a plan to recruit new employees.

In the above article, Viindoo has summarized to businesses 15 common reason for leaving job of employees to quit their jobs. Managers can rely on the above information to identify the reasons for leaving employees and propose solutions to handle them in a timely manner. Follow our next articles to learn more about the process of successfully building an HR system for your business.

Reason for leaving job: 15 common reasons that employers should know​
Viindoo Technology Joint Stock Company, Trinh Thi Ngoc Anh December 2, 2022