What is a Recruitment Collaborator? JD job and specific requirements

If you are wondering what is a recruitment collaborator as well as what are the requirements for this job, let Viindoo help you find the answer. Right here, we invite you to follow the article for more details.

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What is a recruitment collaborator?

What is a Recruitment Associate? This position is responsible for assisting organizations and businesses in recruiting and finding talent. People who do this job are usually not on the official list of employees at the business. Therefore, they can freely work online from home without having to go to the office.

What is the job of a recruitment collaborator?

Depending on the characteristics of each organization and business, the detailed work of a recruitment collaborator will be different. However, regardless of the unit, the main task of a recruitment collaborator will still be to post and screen candidates.

Below is a table of specific job descriptions of a recruitment collaborator:

  • Write your own or get an available job description from an organization/enterprise for the position you want to apply for
  • Search for candidates and post job advertisements on free candidate sources such as fanpages, websites, social networks, recruitment platforms,...
  • Receive CVs, and cover letters and respond to interested questions of candidates.
  • Check and screen CV based on the criteria provided by the organization/enterprise
  • Report the candidate's CV information to the official recruitment department of the organization/enterprise
  • Connect, contact, and invite candidates who have passed the application round to interview directly at the enterprise
  • Provide candidates with more information about the job, company, and interview preparation requirements
  • Regularly communicate with the human resources department for timely updates on vacancies, as well as corrections and additions (if any).
  • Perform other tasks as arranged and requested by immediate superiors
recruitment collaboratorWhat do HR collaborators usually do?

Requirements of the position of recruitment collaborator

After knowing what the concept of a recruitment collaborator is as well as the job description of a recruitment collaborator. Viindoo would like to introduce some requirements to become a recruitment associate:

  • The job doesn't require specific certifications or degrees as long as you're capable of finding, hunting, and recommending the best candidates to employers.
  • Regularly update the latest recruitment techniques, including online and offline recruitment to meet your job well.
  • Agility, acumen in communication as well as being proactive in connecting and maintaining the necessary social relationships to serve the job.

Why should businesses use recruitment collaborators?

Recruiting collaborators, although not official personnel, meet many urgent needs in many organizations and businesses today. Here, Viindoo would like to review some reasons why using human resources collaborators is extremely necessary:

  • Increase talent search efficiency, helping businesses find more qualified candidates.
  • Improve your employer brand with good recruitment collaborators. Expand the recruitment network, thereby helping the brand of the business to be known by more candidates and customers.
  • In addition, using recruitment collaborators also helps to shorten the time and reduce the cost of recruiting personnel.

However, some businesses today have difficulty managing a team of collaborators. The human resources department has to perform multi-tasking including recruitment, administration of benefits, labor contracts, and other operations. Therefore, using a smart recruitment management application will be the optimal choice, helping administrators keep track of recruitment problems in their organization.

Effective recruitment collaborator team management solution

Currently, the recruitment manager plays a very important role in many businesses, especially in the Human Resources department. The reason is that, if you do this well, you will save costs and achieve your recruitment goals quickly.  

Some online tools used to manage collaborators are chosen by many organizations and businesses such as Excel, Google drive, Microsoft Teams,... However, when using these utilities, businesses often encounter problems. problems like:

  • Information is easily distributed
  • Safety and confidentiality of information are not high
  • It is difficult to aggregate data from two sources of companies and recruitment collaborators, which leads to difficulty in budget optimization
  • Unprofessional candidate file repository. Difficult to take full advantage of the source of candidates provided by CTV

To solve these difficulties, HR recruitment management software was born and is considered the most optimal and effective recruitment method that many companies trust to use. With just software like Viindoo Recruitment, the Human Resources department, and the Business Administrator can:

  • Monitor and control the Recruitment Process, save recruitment costs and time
  • Create your own recruitment page to attract more candidates.
  • Manage candidate database on only one platform, do not disperse data, limit the loss of records
  • The Recruitment process is automated thanks to features such as email alias, filter resumes, customizing the recruitment page, creating interview schedules, recruitment reports,...
  • Perfect integration with other Viindoo Software such as Human Resources, Website, Survey, and Email Marketing.

Through the above article, Viindoo hopes your business will have a better understanding of what is a recruitment collaborator. Viindoo wishes you a successful business as the goals set out.

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What is a Recruitment Collaborator? JD job and specific requirements
Viindoo Technology Joint Stock Company, Amber Nguyen March 23, 2023