The latest form of salary increase decision for employees [2023]

Sample salary increase decision form is a template for businesses and organizations to use to make decisions about raising salaries for employees. In this article, Vindoo will provide a professional salary increase decision templates. At the same time, the article also provides detailed instructions on how to write a decision form and present the legal provisions for salary increases for employees. Follow along!

The salary increase decision form is a template used by businesses and state organizations when they want to increase wages for employees working in the company. However, each organization has a different specificity, so it is difficult to have a template that is suitable for all. At the same time, the State currently does not have any regulations on this form. Therefore, based on the nature and operating characteristics, organizations can create the most suitable model.

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Download the salary increase decision form for cadres and civil servants

Here is a sample for officials and civil servants:

Download Link: Here

Decision to increase salary for cadres and civil servants
Decision to increase salary for cadres and civil servants

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Sample decision to increase salary for employees in the enterprise

The following is a sample for employees in the enterprise:

Download Link: Here

Sample salary increase for employeesSample salary increase for employees

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Form of decision to increase salary for the collective with the attached list

The following sample decision to increase salary for collective that businesses can refer to:

Download Link: Here

Sample salary increase for the collectiveSample salary increase for the collective

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Sample salary increase decision for company directors

The following is a sample of the decision to increase the salary of the company's director we share:

Download Link: Here

Decision to increase salary for directorDecision to increase salary for director

Sample salary increase decision before the deadline

The following is a sample salary increase decision before the deadline:

Download Link: Here

Sample of decision to raise salary ahead of timeSample of decision to raise salary ahead of time

Regular salary increase decision form

Next, we will introduce the business salary increase decision template frequently:

Download Link: Here

Regular salary increase formRegular salary increase form

Sample salary increase decision

The following is a sample salary increase decision for businesses and organizations:

Download Link: Here

Sample salary increase decision formSample salary increase decision form

Sample decision to increase regional minimum wage in 2022

Next, we will introduce to businesses the latest regional minimum wage increase model:

Download Link: Here

Regional minimum wage increase formRegional minimum wage increase form

English salary increase decision form

Here is an English salary increase sample that businesses can refer to:

Download Link: Here

English salary increase formEnglish salary increase form

Detailed instructions on how to make a salary increase decision

The decision to increase salary is always a necessity in businesses and organizations when they want to increase wages for employees. Currently, in Vietnam, there is no official document on salary increase decisions. Therefore, businesses can make their own decisions to increase wages for their organizations. However, this decision should include the following fixed items:

  • Name of the business or organization that wants to make the decision to increase wages for employees.
  • The motto is "Independence - Freedom - Happiness".
  • Bases and reasons for making the decision to increase salary.
  • The name of the decision.
  • Personal information of the person receiving a raise such as full name, date of birth, and position in the organization.
  • Content of salary increase.
  • The department is responsible for implementing the decision.
  • Recipients.
  • Signed and sealed.

Legal provisions on salary increase

According to Article 103 of the Vietnam Labor Code 2019, the salary increase and salary increase for employees is regulated as follows:

“The salary increase, promotion, allowances, allowances and incentive regimes for employees are agreed upon in the labor contract, collective labor agreement or regulations of the employer. "

The decision to increase salary is used in the following cases:

  • The salary increase decision form will be sent in case the business or organization wants to increase the salary for a certain object.
  • The salary adjustment decision template is used in cases where the enterprise wants to increase or decrease the salary for employees. However, this form is more commonly used in the case of salary reductions.

Meaning of a salary increase

The decision to raise wages has big implications for both employees and businesses. Here are some of the implications of a salary increase:

  • Boost employee morale: Salary increases are used as a recognition of the employee's hard work. This will help employees feel that their efforts will be rewarded. From there, it will encourage the working spirit of employees to create more results in the future.
  • Supporting employees to improve their quality of life: Salary is one of the main sources of income for employees. Therefore, when the salary increases, it means that the workers will have a more abundant life and a better quality of life.
  • Contributing to an increase in the national budget: An increase in wages means that workers will have to pay more taxes. This helps to increase the government's tax revenue, contributing to the country's economic development.
  • Encourage other employees in the company: An employee who gets a raise will help encourage other employees in the company to work harder. This helps the company increase productivity, and operational efficiency, and improve costs and profits.

In the following article, Viindoo compiled for our readers salary increase decision template Latest. Hope this article will be useful and help businesses make appropriate salary increase decisions. Follow our next articles to get more knowledge about business administration!

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It's generally best to send your letter via email, as it allows your employer to review and consider your request at their convenience. However, if you have a good relationship with your manager, you may choose to discuss your request in person first.

Yes, it's appropriate to negotiate the amount of your salary increase if your employer is open to it. Be prepared to provide additional evidence to support your case and to be flexible in your negotiations.

How often should I ask for a salary increase?

It's generally recommended to wait at least a year before asking for a salary increase, but this can vary depending on your industry and the company culture.

The latest form of salary increase decision for employees [2023]
Jun Nguyen April 30, 2023