Top 18 Creative Social Media Marketing Idea to push your campaign

In this Viindoo blog, we present to you 10 creative social media marketing idea that can help sweep your marketing campaign off its feet, from easy-to-implement strategies (such as asking followers to tag a friend in your post) to more complex ones (like conducting a social media takeover). We'll walk you through each tactic, provide real-life examples and explain how to replicate them for your own social channels.

P​lan social media posts for every day of the week

One effective way to boost a social media marketing strategy is to plan and schedule daily posts on all social media channels. These posts should include a variety of content such as news, inspirations, customer testimonials, and graphics or videos that engage users. This strategy requires allocating resources, such as graphic designs or video creation, to maintain an attractive brand presence. 

However, it is essential to ensure that the content is tailored to each platform to achieve the best results. Interacting with followers by liking or sharing their posts, responding to comments, running live streams or polls, and reposting others' content can help engage with the target audience. A content marketing calendar can assist in keeping posts organized while staying relevant to the events and holidays, hashtags, and graphics or videos, making it easy to create shareable content.

social media marketing idea

P​lan social media posts for every day of the week

Ask your audience questions

If you are looking for creative ways to boost your social media marketing campaign, consider asking your audience questions. This can generate engagement and spark conversations about your brand, services, and products. Ask Me Anything! series can provide an opportunity for your followers to learn more about your brand and offers. Furthermore, offer incentives such as discounts, free trials, or free gifts with purchase to encourage word-of-mouth marketing. 

Make sure the questions you ask have a specific purpose to improve your marketing. Running ads to reach new audiences can also extend your reach beyond your current fan base. Engaging with your followers and showing them that their opinions and thoughts are valuable can have a significant impact on your overall marketing strategy.

Share influencer content

One of the best ways to increase your social media reach is through influencer content. Influencers can reach a different audience and give their followers a unique perspective on your product or service. Whether you're running an Instagram or Facebook campaign, incorporating influencer content can be a game-changer.

In addition to influencers, there are several other creative social media marketing ideas to boost your campaign. Utilize organic posts and ads to reach a wider audience and test the impact of your creative posts. Consider running loyalty and ambassador programs to further engage with your followers. Tailor content to products and services in high demand to maximize reach. Utilize cross-promotion techniques such as email signatures and newsletters to further reach your desired audience. Overall, incorporating creative tactics and utilizing influencers are great ways to make your social media campaign stand out among others.

social media marketing idea

Share influencer content is a good social media marketing idea

Run a contest or giveaway

Contests and giveaways are a great way to increase engagement and generate brand awareness. When planning a successful contest or giveaway, choose a prize that will attract your target audience and create a branded hashtag to help track entries. Running contests also give an excellent opportunity to promote your campaigns, such as new product launches, and sweepstakes are the most popular type of contest. When properly executed, brands can gain an average of 17,500 new followers through social media giveaways. However, it’s essential to ensure that you adhere to the specific platform rules when running a contest and provide an appealing prize without any hidden clauses. By doing this, brands can take full advantage of contests and giveaways to improve their social media marketing campaigns.

Conduct a social media takeover

To refresh your social media presence or to inject a new voice into your account, a social media takeover is an excellent idea. It is one of the most effective ways to promote your campaign and get your brand in front of new audiences. Your business partners, industry relationships, or influencers with large, active audiences could be good candidates for a takeover. Handing off your social presence to an influencer or celebrity with a large audience can increase brand promotion and encourage engagement from a larger audience. However, choose an influencer who suits your brand and ensure they tease the takeover on their own profile to capture more attention. A social media takeover can give your campaign a massive boost!

social media marketing idea from a social media takeover

Conduct a social media takeover

Share, pin, retweet and regram

Hashtags, emojis, and carefully curated content are certainly strong social media marketing tools. But the power of “sharing, pinning, retweeting, and programming” should not be overlooked. By sharing content from other relevant brands, industry articles, or photos from followers, a business can increase engagement and interact with its audience. 

Moreover, encouraging followers to share, pin, retweet or regram content will further extend the reach of that content. It’s also essential to choose the right platform to maintain an active and regular presence. Hashtags can make your content more searchable and interactive. Using emojis will enhance the post’s character, and improve brand personality while inviting followers to engage with it. Overall, these marketing tools work in sync to increase brand awareness and connection with users.

Create short-form video clips

With marketing social media becoming a staple for advertisers to market their products and services, creating short-form video clips can boost engagement and help brands stand out from the competition. These videos can engage viewers and increase social media marketing efforts. 

Popular platforms like Instagram and Twitter are great for creating and sharing short-form video clips. Statistics have shown that videos are shared 20 times more on LinkedIn than any other type of content and viewers spend three times more time watching them than static content. Brands have the freedom to create enticing videos such as how-to videos, tutorials, branded advertising, movie trailers, and behind-the-scenes videos to capture attention. More importantly, 87% of online marketers use video content to reach people. By using short-form video clips, brands can create a real value for their audience, and deepen their engagement with them.

Create short-form video clips is a social media marketing idea

Create short-form video clips is a creative social media marketing idea

Repurpose your content

Social media marketers often have limited time to create fresh content. But repurposing evergreen content is an excellent way to save time and reach new audiences. It’s a cost-effective way to recycle your content and gain more visibility across different channels.

Use UTM codes to track clicks, shares, and page views to measure the success of your repurposed content. Use visual aids like images via Canva or any share-friendly images to make it more appealing. You could also repurpose videos into bite-sized posts for Instagram Stories or Tiktok.

Alternatively, leverage snippets of existing content and look for ways to incorporate user-generated content. Engage with your audience, use trending hashtags, and avoid using heavily salesy language. With these ideas, you're sure to have a steady stream of repurposed content your audience will love.

Repurpose your content is a good social media marketing idea

Repurpose your content

Share a milestone

One of the most creative social media marketing idea is to share a milestone. When you reach a significant milestone in your campaign or business, be sure to share it on social media to celebrate your achievements with your followers. You can create a Moment on Twitter that compiles your tweets, photos, and videos to summarize your campaign. Leverage customer testimonials and case studies to showcase your product or service and attract potential customers. To reach a wider audience, promote your accounts across multiple social media platforms and draw attention to your marketing campaign. Host a Twitter round table to get feedback from your followers and learn more about your consumer base. Finally, track the success of your campaign using Twitter's analytics features to make necessary adjustments and improve your overall performance.

Go behind the scenes

One of the most effective ways to increase engagement with your audience is to provide a behind-the-scenes look at what goes on within your brand. Share photos or videos of how you make your products, pictures of your team members hard at work, or even a sneak peek of a new project that you're working on. Repurpose evergreen content with a fresh take on your social media channels to maximize engagement. Another way to increase your reach is to partner with influencers who can help you promote your brand. This will expose your brand to a larger audience and help you to connect with customers more effectively. Hashtags can significantly expand the visibility of your posts by increasing the chances of being discovered by potential customers. To enhance brand awareness, you can also organize an influencer takeover where an influencer takes control of your brand's social media channels for a period, driving more traffic to your page. Use these creative social media techniques to boost your campaign to new heights.

Respond to your followers

The success of any social media marketing campaign depends on the level of engagement that your followers have with your content. Responding to comments, likes, and shares on your posts is an excellent way to show your followers that you value their engagement. Utilizing tag-a-friend posts is a great method to engage with your existing followers and reach new potential followers simultaneously. In addition to this, requesting followers to share your content can improve the visibility and reach of your post. Visuals such as videos and infographics aid in delivering your post's message in an easily understandable manner, thereby motivating followers to take action.

While organic posts are perfect for keeping your followers engaged, paid ads on social media networks can help you reach a wider audience. Advertising on social media networks will help you get a more comprehensive perspective of the organic and paid posts that bring the most impact to your campaigns. Responding to your followers' engagements, the use of tag-a-friend posts, asking followers to share your content, and utilizing visuals like videos and infographics are just a few of the creative social media marketing ideas that you can use to boost your campaign.

social media marketing idea

Respond to your followers

Poll your audience

Engaging your target audience is a critical aspect of Social Media Marketing. One great way to do this is by using polls. Start by creating polls with intriguing question options that will stimulate engagement. Using visuals with polls tends to boost engagement and can make your content more appealing to your audience. Polls can also help you understand what your audience thinks about your organic posts or paid campaigns, thereby equipping you with feedback that will help you create better content.

Moreover, polls can be used to gather important data points about what products or services are in high demand or what content resonates with your target audience. Polls can be a powerful and cost-effective way to research your audience demographics and get more targeted marketing ideas. Ultimately, engaging your audience with creative polls will increase interaction and help develop a stronger connection between your brand and your followers.

Run a social-exclusive deal

One effective way to incentivize potential customers to follow your business on social media is by running a social-exclusive deal on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Rewards and deals can go a long way in building a sense of community and loyalty among followers. In addition to this, providing behind-the-scenes content can foster engagement and trust among the audience, leading to a higher organic reach. Influencers are a valuable asset for promoting your social media campaigns because they have the power to sway their followers into interacting with your brand. Finally, tracking the success of your ad campaigns can help you understand the value of your clicks and determine the best way to allocate your budget for future campaigns.

Ask followers to tag a friend

In today's digital world, social media has become an essential tool for businesses to engage with their customers and clients. Brands can ask their followers to tag a friend on their social media post to increase engagement and generate more views. 

To generate hype for a product or service, businesses can host social media campaigns, contests or promotions. Hosting an influencer takeover is another way for brands to attract more followers and increase their engagement rates. Besides, utilizing paid campaigns is an effective way of reaching out to potential customers who aren’t yet following your brand. Lastly, having a consistent, creative social media strategy helps to increase engagement rates and generate more sales. All in all, trying these creative social media marketing ideas can help boost your business’s online presence and drive more traffic to your website.

social media marketing idea

Ask followers to tag a friend

Take advantage of trending topics

Social media marketing is an ever-evolving industry, and keeping up with the latest trends can help boost your campaign. One way to leverage your social media marketing potential is to use trending topics to your advantage. By creating relevant content that aligns with current events or trending topics, you can increase your brand's visibility and tap into a wider audience. Visual content such as videos and infographics can also grab people's attention and increase engagement.

To get more engagement, involve your customers in your social media content by asking them questions or featuring their stories about using your products or services. You can develop a unique hashtag to promote your customers' stories, making it easier for people to find and share them. By leveraging trending topics and user-generated content, you can increase your social media reach and boost your marketing campaign.

Conduct an interview

Conducting an interview is a unique social media marketing idea that can add a personal touch to your brand. Interviewing industry experts or satisfied customers can add credibility to your campaigns. It's a great way to provide valuable insights to your audience about industry trends or products. Moreover, you can leverage social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram for conducting live interviews or host podcasts on relevant topics. Videos can also be created to demonstrate your products' features and uses. Make sure the videos are both entertaining and informative. Platforms like YouTube, websites, and Instagram are excellent for video marketing. Focus on making a difference in the market by showcasing how your company is different from the competition. Highlighting your unique selling points builds brand awareness and can play a significant factor in attracting and retaining customers.

Conduct an interview is a good social media marketing idea

Conduct an interview is an effective social media marketing idea

Give customers the spotlight

One way to boost your social media campaign is by giving customers the spotlight. Encourage them to share selfies with your products, and create a unique hashtag to promote their content. Putting customers on your social media channels to talk about how your products have helped them can also boost your social proof, helping your business gain more traction. Running giveaways and contests can help engage with customers, and offering coupons and discounts via social media can reward customers for following you. Additionally, creating user-generated content such as customer stories can showcase your brand in a positive light and convey an authentic message to your audience. With these simple creative social media marketing ideas, you can help your business stand out and reach new heights.

Team up with another brand

Teaming up with another company is a fantastic idea to boost your social media marketing campaign. Partnering with brands that complement yours but do not compete can increase your reach and exposure. Collaboration can manifest in the form of projects, causes, and even sponsored posts. In addition, don't forget to include bio sections on social media platforms to link to other accounts to gain maximum clicks.

Working with another brand allows you to leverage the strength of both brands, which can be especially beneficial when introducing a new product or service. By working together, you can also learn from each other's strengths and challenges, which may help you achieve your marketing goals more effectively. In summary, collaborating with another brand can be an exciting way to increase brand awareness, grow your customer base, and strengthen your social media marketing efforts.

social media marketing idea

Team up with another brand

To wrap it up, these 18 social media marketing idea can expand your campaign's reach. Use user-generated content, influencer partnerships, and interactive campaigns to boost engagement and online presence. Combine these tactics with a solid plan and consistent execution to stay ahead of the competition. Choose a few ideas and start experimenting now!

Top 18 Creative Social Media Marketing Idea to push your campaign
Viindoo Technology Joint Stock Company, Monica Nguyen March 29, 2023