What is a JD? What is the meaning of JD in recruitment?​

What is a JD? What are the essential contents that should be included in a job description? Viindoo will provide answers to these questions in the following content.

What is a JD?

JD stands for “Job Description”. This is a written summary of the responsibilities, activities, qualifications, and skills required for a job position. This document should state the highlights of the company such as mission, culture, employee benefits, position report, salary, etc.

Marketing manager JD template

JD stands for "Job Description"

A standard recruitment JD will provide full background information about the company and job position to the candidate. From there, candidates can self-assess their ability to meet job standards. Moreover, a survey by Truth showed that 52% of candidates believe that the standards of a job description have a significant impact on their decision to apply for a job.

>>>> Learn More: Standard, fulfilled interview process for HR and candidates

What is JD's role in recruitment?

Thus, the above content has helped the candidate understand the concept of JD. What is a JD’s meaning in recruitment? Please read the following section to understand the role of JD in recruitment with administrators and candidates.

For Business Owners

It can be said that JD plays a very important role for business owners. What is the job description’s specific role to them? The following content will be the answer.

  • JD helps business owners determine the right job position for each individual also that employees can complete their tasks in the best way.
  • This will be the basis for business owners to know how to measure recruitment effectiveness and assess the quality of candidates for each department.
  • JD is the basis for business owners to determine the recruitment and personnel training structure in line with the company's orientation.
  • JD is the foundation for building and evaluating salary policy, employee remuneration, and competency framework equally.

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Sales manager JD template

JD helps managers determine the structure of recruiting and training employees

For applicants

Based on JD, candidates can assess their suitability with the company's recruitment criteria. This is also a document to help candidates better understand the functions and duties of the position applied for. Thereby, candidate experience is improved. Human resources in the company can also rely on JD to firmly grasp the scope of work and achieve better work efficiency.

Marketing manager JD template

Candidates can rely on JD to define job functions and duties

Required content in job JD

If candidates are wondering "What is the content of a JD?" Don't skip this part. Here are the important information when recruiters create a job description:

  • Information about recruitment organization: This section helps candidates identify employers and trust levels, or find the necessary information.
  • Vacancies: This section helps candidates understand information about job titles, departments, and job responsibilities. Each company can build different positions and hierarchies.
  • Job description: This is the main part of JD, helping candidates understand the requirements of knowledge, skills, and tasks to perform.
  • Responsibilities and obligations: Through this, candidates can understand the scope of work they will have to perform when working in this position. Despite having the same name, each position has different regulations on responsibilities and obligations, depending on the structure of the company.
  • Experience: Each job position will have different requirements for professional experience. Therefore, this section helps candidates determine their suitability and ability to meet the job.
  • Education level: Similarly, each position has different educational requirements, depending on the nature of the job.
  • Power: This section will show what the candidate can/is allowed to do when taking on the position for which they are applying.
  • Work environment: Each business will have a completely different working environment depending on the seniority, structure, and size of the business. If the JD clearly shows the working environment, it will help the candidate determine whether that environment is really suitable for them or not. Avoiding the case when they have entered the job but feel it is not suitable. This takes a lot of time and training costs for businesses.
  • Income and benefits: This is definitely the JD's content that many candidates are most interested in. Candidates can determine the job responsibilities of some positions through salary. When businesses do not pay competitive salaries, employers can attract workers with other policies and incentives.
  • Required information and documents: Usually, this section will provide information on how to apply, the documents to prepare for the application and interview, etc.

Tired of manual update and publish JD? Automate your tasks now!

  • Automate recruitment process from job posting to hiring.
  • Automate candidate tracking and communication
  • Schedule interviews and manage feedback efficiently
  • Enhance decision-making with real-time analytics and reports on recruitment activities.

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Sales manager JD template

A JD needs to provide company information, vacancy name, job description,...

Standard Job Description Template

These above sections have helped the candidate understand the concept of “what is the JD in recruitment”, roles, and contents required in this document. However, creating a standard Job Description is not easy and needs the input of the divisions.

A standard JD will help candidates clearly understand the position applied for, job goals, responsibilities, authorities, etc. This will increase the candidate's performance during the probationary period. In addition, the document also helps employers standardize the process of performance evaluation, recruitment, and employee training.

Therefore, administrators can refer to the samples below to create the most standard JDs. Candidates should also carefully study this section to choose the right position and environment, and avoid being scammed.

Marketing manager JD template

General accountant JD template

Sales manager JD template

Sales manager JD template

Marketing manager JD template

Marketing manager JD template

Tired of manual update and publish JD? Automate your tasks now!

  • Automate recruitment process from job posting to hiring.
  • Automate candidate tracking and communication
  • Schedule interviews and manage feedback efficiently
  • Enhance decision-making with real-time analytics and reports on recruitment activities.

Learn more

The article has helped readers clarify the concept of "What is a JD?” and answer the question “what is the role and content required in a recruitment JD”. If there are questions or additions, readers can leave a message in the comment section to provide comments. Besides, Viindoo will continue to update useful content on related topics in the near future.

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What is a JD? What is the meaning of JD in recruitment?​
Viindoo Technology Joint Stock Company, Amber Nguyen May 9, 2023