What is Asana? Guide to using Asana for Project Management

What is Asana? How will this software help businesses during project operation? The following article will show information about the pros and cons as well as instructions on how to use Asana at work. Let's find out with Viindoo Management Software right away.

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What is Asana software?

Asana is an online project and task management software. This application allows businesses to prioritize tasks, assign people to perform them, and set appropriate deadlines for completion. Through this, team members can work together effectively. In addition, Asana supports users to attach reports and images as well as many other data.

Asana software works based on 3 main principles:

  • Notice of work, not correspondence
  • Direct communication on 1 page
  • Synchronized action in groups, not individually performed.

Asana software supports project and work management.

Asana software supports project and work management.

These factors have helped increase transparency and efficiency at work. Specific tasks for each individual will be clearly assigned, avoiding the phenomenon of shirk responsibility. In addition, thanks to the increased ability to collaborate among team members, the project will be accelerated, improving quality and productivity.

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Advantages of Asana software

Internal task management software, Asana project is favored by many businesses thanks to its great features. By increasing efficiency in the division of work, companies can achieve success in their projects. This project management tool is known for 3 outstanding advantages.

Manipulate tasks easily

  • Manipulating tasks intuitively: With Asana, businesses can easily break down tasks and assign them to individuals. Factors such as job deadlines, recipients as well as priority order will be shown clearly in detail. When a member has completed his task, the application will send a notification to the others in the group. At this point, people can comment or send attachments right on the system's interface.
  • Convert tasks into projects quickly: Moreover, the tool also supports users to convert tasks into projects quickly. Companies won't have to spend time duplicating data across multiple projects. Transform from a task into a project can be done easily with just a few clicks.

Generate reports automatically

In the free trial period, Asana teamwork software allows businesses to make reports related to work progress. Users can track the number of completed tasks in total, thereby analyzing project performance. If you want to use more advanced reports, the system will require an upgrade to the paid version.

High security

Asana tasks will be synchronized with the time management app Google Calendar, which helps visualize specific information and tasks. Each project will have certain privacy permissions. The system will ensure absolute security hence businesses can rest assured that all data related to their business activities will not be leaked. 

Asana ensures every important business information is secure

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A guide to using Asana for project and work management

After answering the question what is Asana, businesses also understand how to apply this tool to work. To use great features of the software, the company needs to understand how Asana works. Here is a guide to using Asana in the most detailed and easy to understand way.

How to login

Similar to other online platforms, businesses need a fixed account to log into Asana. Users can log in with their Google account or register directly on the app. Here are the steps to follow to use the software:

  • Download the application to the device
  • Register an account to log in according to the instructions
  • The software will appear in a new window with the link to confirm the account
  • Click the link Next and start the application experience
 Sign in to Asana

Sign in to Asana

After completing this process, the official interface of Asana will open. The left side of the screen will be information related to project progress control. In the center of the screen are the important content, related to getting the job done. Enterprises can add notes and other data to the right side of the screen.

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How to build projects on Asana

After mastering the interface of Asana, users need to understand how to build projects on this software. The process is very simple:

  • Click on the Project + section at the bottom of the left pane.
  • The system will display a new project with related information in the middle of the screen.
  • Business can customize the related contents to properly allocate tasks

Asana allows building a new project to manage

How to perform with tasks

Asana supports dividing work into smaller tasks to assign individually. The operation to create a new task will be as follows:

  • Select an arbitrary line in the middle pane and press Enter.
  • Proceed to name the task.
  • Add information related to the performer, completion deadline, job description... by clicking on the icon to the right of the task line.

How to use the Calendar feature

Besides, Anasa supports users to do their work efficiently by showing the timetable in a clear and intuitive way. The app will help workgroups plan, manage schedules and remind due date. Creating a new calendar on Calendar is simple. Users just need to press the plus sign next to the words "My calenders" and select "New calendar", then follow the instructions on the screen.


Asana is combined with Google Calendar to bring a better experience

Asana is combined with Google Calendar to bring a better experience

Cons of Asana

You probably already have an overview of what Asana software is. However, this application has a huge disadvantage that is the high cost of using. The application offers free features such as planning, building reports, etc. but is limited to 15 users. If the enterprise is larger, it will become difficult to collaborate on this common platform.

The biggest disadvantage of Asana is its high cost.

The biggest disadvantage of Asana is its high cost.

In addition, to experience more advanced tools such as advanced job search, privacy settings for each project, etc., the company is required to use the paid version. Therefore, it can be seen that to fully use Asana's tasks, businesses must incur a rather high fee.

The following is the pricing of Asana software:

Package name





250,000 VND


560,000 VND

Is there an alternative to Asana?

Besides Asana, there are now many highly rated project management software. Each software will have its own advantages and disadvantages and is suitable for each business needs. Users can completely choose a tool that helps maximize work productivity while saving costs.

Viindoo Project was born with the goal of giving users the smoothest project and work management experience. After years of research and development, the application is now confident to satisfy the needs of businesses.

Viindo Project is the perfect replacement for businesses

Viindo Project is the perfect replacement for businesses

Some of the great features of Viindo Project include:

  • Track progress and workflow strictly.
  • Divide tasks, capture the implementation status to handle problems promptly.
  • Build a scientific work process, ensuring smooth coordination of stakeholders.
  • Allow collaboration between team members. Optimize working efficiency, ensure transparency and clarity in operations.
  • Allocate resources, make forecasts and analysis closely. Businesses can consider this as a basis for making future business strategies.
  • Fully integrate with other Viindo applications such as Sales, CRM, Timesheets, Invoice.

In addition, Viindo Project software overcomes the disadvantages of Asana by providing an extremely reasonable price. To experience superior features of Viindo Project. Even large and medium companies or small companies can choose this software to increase the efficiency of their organization while keeping costs affordable.

Ready to experience the excellence?

Viindoo Project - Plan tasks, track progress in a timely manner, control the workflow of employees. All in only one system. 

Sign up for Free 15-day trial now.

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The article has given businesses a general picture of what is Asana and features that the software support. If you have any questions that need to be answered by Viindoo, don't hesitate to leave a comment below. 

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What is Asana? Guide to using Asana for Project Management
Viindoo Technology Joint Stock Company, Yen Nguyen December 2, 2022