What is CHRO? Position and role of CHRO in the enterprise

What is CHRO? What role does this position play in the development of a company? How can HR get to this position? If readers are wondering, please find out in this article with Viindoo.

What is CHRO?

CHRO (Chief Human Resources Officer) is the the director of human resources or the director of recruitment in a business. CHRO undertakes tasks related to strategy design and implementation including recruitment, development, talent retention and talent acquisition. In addition, CHRO is also an advisor to the CEO on strategy of finding, training and developing people.

What is the position of CHRO in the business?​

What is the position of CHRO in the business?​

What is the role of the CHRO?

Acting as a bridge between enterprises and candidates

As the person in charge of recruitment strategy, CHRO acts as a bridge between enterprises and candidates. CHRO needs to accurately convey information to candidates throughout the application process. The information includes requirements for qualifications, professional skills, and soft skills for the position you are applying for.

Besides, CHRO is also the one to convey to candidates about the company's remuneration policies, rules and corporate culture. After having communicated the information to the candidate, CHRO needs to communicate back to the Board of Directors about the personnel situation in the departments and take that as a basis for measure recruitment effectiveness

Another task of the HR director is to plan internal communication via email, group or internal forum to strengthen the connection between employees and the company.

The role of connection between candidates and the organization

The role of connection between candidates and the organization 

Pioneer in applying technology to human resource management

CHRO needs to be the leader in applying modern technologies and software in human resource management, especially is in the current digital transformation era. Using technology applications on human resource management will help CHRO have an overview of the departments’ work in the company. From there, they will see who have done the job well, who doesn't do it well and who needs support. The above assessments help CHRO have reasonable plans to develop human resources in the company.

Human resource management is the management of people, in an organization, there are hundreds or even thousands of people. The use of technology software will help reduce the burden in managing employee records. At the same time, this software helps managers have the most accurate view of each member of the company based on their working history.

CHRO is the leader in using technology software to manage employees

CHRO is the leader in using technology software to manage employees

Being a positive cultural representative for businesses

Corporate culture is one of the factors affecting the satisfaction level of employees. Therefore, this is considered as a stepping stone for the growth and sustainable development of the business. CHRO as a person in the powerful team is responsible for creating and developing value for the business. 

CHRO improves the quality of employees through training programs on skills and knowledge. They are also the ones who best understand the expectations and pressures of employees' work. Therefore, CHRO should contribute to creating a healthy working environment, bringing satisfaction in the working process of employees.

CHRO is close to employees in the company

CHRO is close to employees in the company

Coordination with CFO, CPO and CCO

The coordination between departments is essential for synchronous business development. For recruitment, the director of human resources needs to discuss with the chief financial officer (CFO), chief production officer (CPO), chief customer officer (CCO) to understand the requirements in selecting candidates to suit the conditions and budget of the company.

The connection between positions is very important

The connection between positions is very important

Important qualities of CHRO


CHRO is responsible for finding personnel and talents for a variety of positions for the organization, so they need to have skills in assessment to make the right choice. This requires the CHRO to have experience in contacting, working and evaluating people in different fields. Only then will CHRO recruit the right person for each position.


The director of human resources is a senior personnel position, so the person who can take up this job needs to have the corresponding qualification. Good qualifications, background and qualifications are essential for CHRO to build trust and motivate employees to participate in its HR activities. 

Besides, social and business knowledge is also necessary for CHRO, such as communication, relationship management, business ethics, etc. Having multi-disciplinary understanding will help CHRO develop and maximize the human resource management capacity in any business environment. 

Analysis and problem solving

CHRO's main object of work is human, so problems are inevitable. This feature requires the HR director to have good and flexible analytical skills to provide a quick and appropriate solution.

Problem-solving skills are very important to CHRO

Problem-solving skills are very important to CHROSE

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Leadership skills

The HR director is the head of the human resources department, so leadership and leadership skills are a must. A person with leadership skills has the ability to plan, manage and connect team members, in an effective organization. As a result, the performance of the CHRO itself and the human resources department will be enhanced and developed.

Leadership skills are a must for a CHRO

Leadership skills are a must for a CHRO

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Other soft skills

To be a good CHRO, besides the mentioned skills, you need to equip yourself with other basic skills such as:

  • Teamwork skills;

  • Public speaking skills;

  • Negotiation skills;

  • Skill in using technology products and management software.

Salary and promotion route of CHRO

The salary of a human resources director depends on experience, job requirements, seniority, company size, company's field of operation... In general, the level CHRO's salary will fluctuate between 20 - 30 million VND or up to 100 million VND. The larger the staff size, the more CHRO has to manage, which means the salary will increase.

Besides salary, what is CHRO promotion route? People who are HR directors are often promoted from smaller positions related to the human resources system such as human resources specialist, human resources assistant or human resources manager. In addition, some CHROs come from other leadership positions such as Sales Manager, Chief Financial Officer. 

As can be seen, all jobs related to technology, leadership and management in general can train professional and potential CHROs in the future. The most important factor is the ability, expertise and actual combat experience of each individual

CHRO's promotion roadmap

CHRO's promotion roadmap

The content of the article has helped you answer the question of what is CHRO and the information surrounding this position. Hopefully, readers' questions have been answered in this article of Viindoo.

>>>> Useful Information:

What is CHRO? Position and role of CHRO in the enterprise
Viindoo Technology Joint Stock Company, Van Anh Nguyen December 9, 2022