Digital transformation in human resources management: Get ready for a breakthrough

In recent years, digital transformation has become a buzzword for Vietnamese businesses. However, despite being an important pillar of all businesses, Digital transformation in Human Resources appears to be left out of the digital transformation roadmap.

>>>> Overview: Digital transformation in businesses

Human Resources Management and the pressing need for change

Digital transformation trend in the field of Human Resources Management has gradually taken shape in recent years.

According to TopCV's Recruitment Market Report 2021 and Recruitment Trends 2022, 84.8% of businesses believe that leveraging technology to improve the effectiveness of Human Resources Management is critical. Simultaneously, 55.7% of business leaders said they planned to use technology to digitize the human resource apparatus by 2022.

Not only do many businesses stop at demand, but they also clearly demonstrate their commitment by being willing to spend a large budget to invest. According to a recent Navigos Group financial-related report, 36% of businesses plan to invest up to VND 500 million in budget, and 27% agree on a budget of VND 50 - 200 million in industrial technology development in line with their desires.

Looking at these numbers, it is clear that digital transformation in Human Resource Management is becoming a mandatory requirement if businesses do not want to be left behind in the "digital transformation race" in Vietnam and around the world.

>>>> Learn more: Digital transformation in the construction industry

The nature of digital transformation in human resources management

The essence of digital transformation in the human resources industry is the process of applying technology in the human resources management activities of enterprises. Digital transformation is the process of optimizing the current human resources in an enterprise without replacing people with technology.

Digital transformation in human resources management is actually a process of completely transforming working methods and managing human resources in enterprises. In this process, manual operations will be mostly replaced by modern technology tools to optimize productivity, cut time and costs, and improve accuracy when performing human resources management.

Digital transformation in human resources

Digital transformation in human resources

In order for the digital transformation of human resources to take place effectively, businesses need to focus on solving 4 big problems, including:

  • Optimize the recruitment process of talented people into the business.
  • Automate operations such as timekeeping, employee salary calculation,etc.
  • Manage comprehensively the information about personnel and administrative procedures.
  • Develop effective and sustainable human resources.

When the above problems are solved, the digital transformation process for human resource management in enterprises is made faster and more convenient.

Viindoo HRM - Comprehensive human resource management solution

Honored with the 2022 Sao Khue Award for Excellent Products - Solutions of the Vietnamese software and IT industry, Viindoo provides businesses with comprehensive digital transformation software . Viindoo HRM Human Resources Management Solution is one of the few solutions capable of meeting the entire human resources process of an Enterprise.

Viindoo HRM is built around 5 main goals: Recruiting Talent; HRM; Performance Management according to OKRs; Human Resources Training and Development along with Salary and Compensation Policy

Digital transformation in comprehensive HR management with Viindoo HRM
Digital transformation in comprehensive HR management with Viindoo HRM

With Viindoo HRM, businesses can

  • Reach the right people, build and manage candidate sources effectively through the online Recruitment and Recruitment application suite.
  • Manage all information, records, papers, timekeeping, entering and leaving the company,... of employees in the enterprise on the same Viindoo HRM system.
  • Create visual progress reports and evaluate performance according to accurate OKRs, creating a basis for human resource planning.
  • Build an in-depth, detailed development roadmap for each position with a skills framework system that includes full professional skills, soft skills... with clear levels.
  • Automatically link applications for In/Out Management, Overtime, Time Attendance, Absence Management, Meals and Payroll, thereby automating all payroll calculations for personnel, minimizing many errors and delays

With a comprehensive human resources management solution, Viindoo believes that businesses can deploy digital transformation in human resources, maximizing current resources to firmly step into the future. If you need more advice on HR management solutions 4.0, businesses should immediately contact Viindoo via hotline 0225 730 9838 for timely answers!

Digital transformation in human resources management: Get ready for a breakthrough
Viindoo Technology Joint Stock Company, Trần Thị Lâm Anh April 18, 2022