Gamification in education: A future trend

During the COVID-19 pandemic, gamification in education emerged as an effective method for online lessons. On that basis, many have predicted that, in the field of education, gamification is a future trend. 

Let us find out more about gamification as applied in education and why it is considered such a trend.

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Origin of Gamification​

Gamification is the method of turning the experience of using an app into a game. People apply gamification in various fields to foster interest and passion for participants.

Although it had been used long ago in many fields, gamification was technically defined in detail by British programmer Nick Pelling in 2002. It was not until 2010 that gamification became widely utilized by professionals in many fields, such as marketing, education, health, etc.​

Gamification in education focuses on the emotional factors of learners, instead of game elements, to influence thoughts and mindset, and maximize learner participation.

Gamification in education
Gamification in education

Benefits of gamification in education

1. Increase joy and excitement

Research about gamification in education indicates this tool increases student interest by 12%.​

Gamification helps the body produce more dopamine—a neurotransmitter that dictates how people feel joy, create psychological comfort, and relieve stress. 

Many of the gamification contents designed for education can enhance interest in problem-solving and positive attitudes towards topics and subjects.

Besides, game rewards are motivating as well as create excitement and competitiveness for participants.

2. Promote familiarity and bonds

Game is a form of entertainment familiar to students. They have already been acquainted with the game’s inner workings and rules. Games are available to children on any smart electronic device, like cell phones, laptops, and tablets.

Therefore, gamified activities provide and build much more effective learning methods than traditional learning in today’s industrialized society.

Gamification in education promotes familiarity and bonds
Gamification in education promotes familiarity and bonds

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3. Receive instant feedback

Immediate feedback helps teachers adjust their training methodology and future orientation of each lesson to befit the students and enhance session efficiency.

Scientists have conducted a small study to demonstrate the level of student feedback and interaction when gamification is applied to their learning. It shows the classroom atmosphere is very energetic and students always come up with answers as soon as a question arises.​

This proves superior to just asking questions in a common way and waiting for answers from students.

4. Helps the brain better memorize

Gamification in education aids awareness and increases activity in brain regions for well-rounded cognitive development. As a result, the brain gains a better capacity to remember and retain information.

Gamification application is extremely beneficial in the education industry

Gamification application is extremely beneficial in the education industry

Why consider gamification in education as a future trend?

1. Changing the current educational situation

Education in Vietnam is shifting to the student-centered approach, instead of the teacher-centered. Students gain autonomy in teaching activities and keenly explore knowledge—which is different from the conventional passivity in receiving knowledge from teachers.

Gamification is a tool that aids teachers in that transformation. Through winning challenges and receiving rewards, students find answers and attain knowledge mostly on their own. They also experience more joy, not stress as in other methods.

The end of the pandemic provides the Vietnamese education system with an opportunity to develop online learning models, in which students can be flexible with time and location. Since then, more and more gamified education software have emerged, such as Quizizz and Kahoot, which enhance interaction and create interest during learning lessons.

2. Applying IT to education

Nowadays, information technology is widely used in education. Teachers are already able to organize games through digital environments and advanced platforms. Gamification simplifies their tasks in this process.

Moreover, according to Edtech, the application of IT in schools around the world is increasing. Virtual reality learning games are projected to have the highest growth rate, as of 2024, accounting for 51.9% of educational games.​

Therefore, gamification in education is definitely a promising future trend.

Gamification application in education helps to facilitate all aspects

Gamification application in education helps to facilitate all aspects


We are living in a cultural era when children and adults of all ages spend much of their time playing video games. Thus, the creation of gamified programs in education is absolutely necessary.

Gamification is going to be an extremely powerful strategy and an excellent way to motivate learners. As the world of education enters the digital era, we can expect an increase in gamification methods.

Hopefully, this article of Viindoo has offered you a comprehensive view of gamification in education as well as its robust potential for the future.

Gamification in education: A future trend
Viindoo Technology Joint Stock Company, Van Anh Nguyen June 20, 2022