4 steps to fully exploit the benefits of ERP for businesses​

How to fully exploit Viindoo business management software in the most simple, effective way? This question remains the headache of all businesses. Refer to the article below of ERP system in business Viindoo to answer this question.

Benefits of ERP for businesses

Viindoo business management software

What is ERP?

ERP is also known as enterprise resource planning. This is a management system that helps leaders manage all activities and plan resources in the business optimally.

At the same time, the ERP system integrates all activities of a bussiness into a comprehensive system in the form of modules in ERP, and allows individuals in the business to access at the same time. Here are some of the benefits of ERP for businesses.

  • ERP system is a model for information and data management: ERP supports search and manage all data, information in a bussiness. At the same time, an ERP system gives businesses an overview of all work and resources, thereby planning resources effectively, improving operational efficiency as well as production capacity.
  • ERP systems save cost for businesses: One of the benefits of ERP systems in terms of cost is to eliminate the intermediary factors that cause interference, mistakes or interrupt the flow of information exchanged among departments. As a result, businesses improve work efficiency and cut unnecessary costs.
  • ERP improves product quality: A comprehensive ERP system helps manage all activities such as developing, evaluating, testing and monitoring product quality of the business. From there, the ERP system helps business leaders promptly capture, develop and adjust product production plans more effectively.
  • The delivery process becomes fast and reliable thanks to ERP: The ability to plan in details about production time, production capacity and supplying plan of ERP systems helps businesses easily, efficiently spot, check and solve problems related to the delivery process.
  • ERP software helps businesses connect the comprehensive supply chain in a smooth way: ERP software also provides accurate and instant data on the quantity of products in stock and its status, production capacity, business demand forecasts, etc. As a result, businesses can minimize the risk of supply chain disruption.
  • ERP system helps promote business efficiency: With an ERP system, every user member can effectively collaborate and share information. At the same time, ERP allows users to quickly access and search for data. Therefore, managers can make decisions more easily, effciently, thereby boosting work efficiency.
  • ERP helps businesses store data more efficiently: ERP is also an effective data storage and analysis tool for businesses. Specifically, ERP helps to save all business operations, retrieve activity history, etc. with high security.
  • ERP supports choosing the right business plan: With ERP systems, businesses can analyze and extract information from the company's data storage. From there, managers can easily make the most accurate decisions.
Viindoo business management software

Great benefits of ERP

>>>> See More: ERP applications in businesses

4 stages on the process of exploiting the benefits of ERP

To invest in an ERP system, businesses have to spend a lot of time and effort. Therefore, one of the top concerns of businesses these days is how to use the ERP software to make the most of the benefits of ERP systems.

On the journey implement ERP and to use and exploit the benefits of ERP in the most effective way, businesses often go through the following 4 basic stages.

Stage 1: Manage each department separately

At the beginning, most business processes will be operated and managed separately among departments with different systems of documents, papers and software.

Of course, with this management method, the business managers can only exploit several benefits of each software. This leads to the disconnection among departments in businesses, causing delays and consumes cost.

Viindoo business management software

The enterprise manages each department separately

>>>> See More: Characteristics of ERP in business management

Stage 2: Optimize connections among departments

After a period of using individual software, businesses need to upgrade their management system to connect departments together. At this time, employees in different departments must know how to effectively link and coordinate with each other. In this stage, businesses often look for an ERP system.

Managing and operating a business with an ERP system requires centralizing data, and unifying processes according to a certain standard and close connections among departments. Because only one small step performed unevenly will greatly affect the activities of other departments.

Good management of connections among departments brings a lot of benefits of ERP for businesses, for example:

  • Reduce costs by cutting cumbersome processes and automate recurring or repetitive tasks.
  • Reduce inventory limit by applying production planning and linking features in ERP system following Just in Time (JIT) strategy.

Stage 3: Optimize procedures

At this stage, together with optimizing processes, businesses need to check production and operation activities, thereby improving operational efficiency. In addition, process-oriented management requires businesses a comprehensive vision and strategy to create core values for customers and develop sustainable businesses.

Moreover, businesses can use tools that can integrate with existing ERP platforms to optimize and connect processes, reduce processing time, increase sales and competitiveness.

This aims to find, evaluate, and eliminate activities that do not create value, while focusing resources on more practical activities.

Stage 4: Strengthen the supply chain

Once completing the internal management operation processes, businesses move towards to exploit the benefits of ERP by aligning the ERP system with the supply chain. This helps businesses operate and fully, efficiently connect with other partners in the supply chain such as customers, suppliers, transporters, etc. 

At this time, supply chain operations will be optimized for quicker information grasb and response, improved transparency, product lifecycle management, etc. These are what businesses receive after exploiting the maximum benefits of ERP.

To maximize the benefits of ERP from the very first days, avoiding “rebuilding” after each stage, businesses can apply modular ERP solutions, for instance, Viindoo Enterprise Management Solution. Businesses can easily exploit the benefits of ERP right from the start with small applications such as CRM, Sales Management, E-commerce, Website, etc., and expand later with more than 840 applications.

Viindoo business management softwareViindoo business management software helps to fully exploit the benefits of ERP for businesses

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Thus, the above article has provided readers with full basic information about ERP software, as well as steps to exploit the benefits of ERP. Viindoo hopes that the article has helped businesses find the fastest and most effective method of exploiting and using ERP.

>>>> See also:

4 steps to fully exploit the benefits of ERP for businesses​
Jane Nguyen (CCO) January 28, 2021