What is an ERP system? Benefits of ERP and features needed in business management

The ERP system is a comprehensive solution for business management, integrating many different functions, helping businesses manage and coordinate activities effectively.

Recently, more and more businesses are interested in applying its Viindoo ERP in business management. So what is ERP? Why does the ERP system attract such special attention? Let's go together with Viindoo to learn about the ERP management system and its outstanding strengths.

What is ERP system?

ERP system (Enterprise Resource Planning - Enterprise resource planning) is a comprehensive management solution, integrating software and processes to manage core business activities such as finance, human resources, production, logistics,... The ERP system provides an overall view and helps optimize business resources and processes. 

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Using ERP for businesses helps increase transparency and improve work efficiency

Benefits of ERP systems in businesses 

Managing a business with an ERP system brings many benefits, helping to improve operational efficiency and optimize processes.  

  • Centralized, unified data management: When implementing ERP, business data will be organized and managed in a comprehensive and unified manner. Centralized database management helps employees access reports quickly, minimizing delays when synthesizing information, especially for large and complex businesses. .
  • Standardize information, minimize errors when entering data: With ERP, data only needs to be entered once, the information will automatically be stored and synchronized between departments, helping to minimize errors and save data entry time.
  • Collect data quickly, speed up workflow: Compared to performing processes manually, where documents must be transferred from one department to another, applying ERP solutions helps increase working speed. Furthermore, ERP solves the problem of "bottlenecks" in businesses.
  • Control operations easily, manage business effectively: ERP has an "Audit Track" feature that helps management check employee activities on the system. Thanks to that, managers quickly identify transactions that need to be checked and monitor the entire process, implementing internal control easily.
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erp system in business

ERP management software provides many functions to solve problems in businesses

ERP systems are divided into 3 types, including: Cloud ERP (cloud computing ERP), On-premise ERP (on-premise ERP) and Hybrid ERP (combined ERP). Below is a comparison table between ERP types:


Cloud ERP (cloud computing ERP)

On-premise ERP (on-premise ERP)

Hybrid ERP (combined ERP)


Servers and software are hosted in the cloud

Servers and software are installed at the enterprise

Combines both cloud and on-premises servers

Initial investment costs

Low (paid subscription model)

High (requires investment in hardware and software)

Average (combination of subscription costs and internal infrastructure investment)

Operation and maintenance costs

Low (vendor management and maintenance)

High (self-managed and maintained enterprise)

Medium (depends on cloud or on-premises deployment)


Restrictions (vendor dictates customizations)

High (full customization according to business needs)

Medium (easy customization on on-premises, limited on cloud)


Access from anywhere with internet

Access only from within the local network or via VPN

Access from both internet and intranet

Suitable for businesses

Small and medium-sized enterprises and businesses want to save initial investment costs

Large businesses or with high security requirements and complex customization capabilities

Businesses have diverse needs and want to combine the advantages of both models

Modules in ERP

The ERP management system includes many different subsystems, each subsystem responsible for a specific function in business management. Below are the main modules in ERP:

Financial management

The financial management module helps businesses track and manage financial transactions effectively. It includes financial reporting, budget control and financial performance analysis. Thanks to that, businesses can make accurate and timely financial decisions.

Personnel management

The human resources management module supports businesses in managing employee information, recruitment processes, training and human resource development. It also helps track performance appraisals and compensation, thereby improving employee satisfaction and performance.

Production management

ERP helps businesses manage production operations effectively, including production planning, production control, warehouse management and equipment management. From planning and managing orders and raw materials to progress tracking, quality control and inventory management, ERP helps businesses optimize production processes, improve productivity and reduce costs.  

erp business management system

The ERP business management system includes many different modules

Sales management

The sales management module tracks orders, manages customer information and prepares revenue reports. It helps businesses analyze the market and customer needs, thereby building a more effective sales strategy.

CRM customer relationship management

CRM helps businesses manage customer information, from marketing, sales, to after-sales service. This module provides tools to build lasting relationships with customers, increase satisfaction and drive sales.

Supply chain management

The supply chain management module helps businesses manage the procurement, supply and transportation process of goods. It ensures that raw materials and products are delivered at the right time and place, thereby optimizing costs and delivery times.

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Each module in ERP undertakes a specific function in business management

How to choose the right ERP management system?

Choosing the appropriate ERP business management system is an important decision, directly affecting the performance and development of the organization. Below are factors to consider when choosing ERP: 

  • Business needs: Businesses need to clearly define their needs and goals. It is necessary to analyze current business processes, identify weaknesses and find out the specific functions that the ERP system needs to meet the needs.
  • Scalability: The ERP system should be scalable to accommodate future business growth. Businesses need to consider whether the system can easily add new modules or scale without difficulty.
  • Flexibility and customization: The ERP system needs to be flexible so that it can be customized according to the specific requirements of the business. Businesses should test the software's customization capabilities to ensure that it can be adapted to its unique business processes and requirements.
  • Expense: Costs include not only initial investment costs but also maintenance, upgrading and employee training costs. Businesses should evaluate whether the system provides value for the cost.
  • Security and compliance: Data security is an important factor in choosing an ERP system. Businesses need to ensure that systems have strong security measures in place and comply with legal regulations related to data protection.
  • Customer service and support: Evaluating the quality of the supplier's support service is necessary. Businesses should learn about technical support, training and maintenance services to ensure they can receive timely support when needed.
  • Integrate with the current system: The ERP system needs to be able to integrate well with the business's current software and systems. Easy integration helps optimize workflows and minimize business disruption.

>>> Learn more: Top reputable ERP providers

what is erp system

Choosing the right ERP business management system is an important decision

What are the important features of an ERP system?

The ERP system provides a series of important features that help businesses effectively manage and operate business activities. Here are some outstanding features:

  • Data integration: ERP centralizes all business data into a single system, helping to eliminate duplication and inconsistency. 
  • Process automation: Processes are optimized, helping businesses operate more smoothly.
  • Data analysis: ERP provides detailed reports on business activities, helping businesses evaluate efficiency and make accurate decisions.
  • Resource management: Asset management, human resource management, project management,...
  • Customization capabilities: ERP can be customized to fit each business's specific processes and requirements.
erp business management

ERP needs to centralize all business data into a single system

How much does it cost to implement an ERP system?

The cost of implementing an ERP system is a question that many businesses are interested in when they want to upgrade their management processes. However, there is no specific number for this answer because the cost will depend on many factors. Below are the main cost components that businesses need to consider:

  • Software cost: Includes a one-time fee or recurring license for use ERP software and the cost to customize the software to a business's specific needs. 
  • Hardware cost: If the ERP system is deployed on an internal server, businesses need to calculate hardware procurement and maintenance costs.
  • Implementation costs: Includes consulting, installation and configuration services to suit business processes.
  • Training costs: Cost of training employees to use the ERP system effectively.
  • Maintenance and support costs: Costs for technical support and system maintenance services after ERP implementation.
  • Upgrade cost: Cost of upgrading ERP software when there is a new version or when the business expands its scale.
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There are many cost components when applying an ERP system

Therefore, the total cost of implementing an ERP management system for each type of business can be estimated as follows:  

  • Small businesses: Implementation costs can range from several thousand to tens of thousands of USD.
  • Medium enterprises: Costs can range from $50,000 to $250,000.
  • Large enterprises: Implementation costs can reach millions of USD depending on the scale and complexity of the system.

Viindoo - Comprehensive solution for your business

Viindoo is one ERP solution for small and medium businesses that integrates many modules in the same system, helping to manage and operate all business activities from sales, purchasing, warehouse, production, finance, human resources,... on a unified platform. best. With coming, all data is connected and shared, helping business owners have an overview and make accurate business decisions.

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Viindoo helps integrate multiple modules in an ERP system

Optimize business operations with Viindoo

  • Increase operational efficiency: Vindoo helps automate business processes, reduce manual errors, optimize workflow, and help businesses operate more efficiently.
  • Improved information management: Vindoo provides a centralized information management system, helping businesses access and manage data easily, accurately and effectively.
  • Enhance decision-making ability: Vindoo provides detailed reports and data analysis, helping businesses make more accurate and effective decisions.
  • Reduce costs: Vindoo helps businesses save costs by optimizing processes, minimizing waste, and improving labor productivity.
  • Increase revenue: Vindoo helps businesses increase revenue by improving customer service, enhancing marketing efficiency, and optimizing sales management.
  • Adapt to change: Vindoo is a flexible solution that can be easily customized and upgraded to suit the evolving needs of your business.
  • Discover Viindoo ERP

The All-in-one ERP Software for SMEs. Streamlines operations, enhances efficiency, and boosts productivity for your business.

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Viindoo ERP

ERP system is not simply an information management tool, but also a powerful tool for the development and performance of businesses in the future. To choose the appropriate ERP management system, businesses need to deeply understand the operating processes within the company. If you want to learn more about effective ERP management software, get in touch with Viindoo at website or contact hotline 02257309838 immediately. or contact hotline 02257309838 immediately.

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What is an ERP system? Benefits of ERP and features needed in business management
Viindoo Technology Joint Stock Company, Yen Nguyen August 7, 2024