10 effective & free CRM software for customer management

Below are the 10 best CRM software today, helping businesses optimize customer management and take better care of customer relationships.

In the past, CRM software was often only considered a sales support software. However, in the current context, customer relationship management is an important key to helping businesses develop sustainably. CRM solutions seem to be effective and indispensable "assistants" for businesses. So what is the best customer management software? Below, Viindoo has compiled for you the TOP 10 most trusted customer relationship management software today. Let's follow along.

>>>> See More: Management software

What is customer relationship management software?

CRM customer management software is a centralized management system for all customer information, from personal information, transaction history to interactions with businesses. Thanks to that, businesses have a comprehensive view of customers, thereby personalizing the shopping experience, enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty. 

Viindoo CRM software interface

Customer relationship management software helps optimize a business's sales process

Besides, CRM also helps businesses optimize sales processes and increase order closing rates. By automating repetitive tasks like sending marketing emails and tracking order progress, CRM helps salespeople focus on activities that bring higher value. At the same time, customer data is analyzed in detail, helping businesses come up with effective marketing strategies, increasing sales and profits.

6 Functions of CRM customer management software

Manage potential customers

CRM management software helps businesses build a centralized data warehouse about potential customers. Each customer will have a detailed profile containing contact information, interaction history, interests and needs. From there, businesses can classify customers into different groups to deploy appropriate marketing campaigns. For example, an online sales company can classify potential customers by age, gender, and interests to send personalized marketing emails, increasing conversions.

Customer care & customer service

CRM helps businesses improve customer service quality by providing an overview of historical interactions with each customer. Customer support staff can easily access information about previously resolved issues, saving time and increasing customer satisfaction. For example, an airline uses CRM to manage customer ticket change and refund requests. When a customer contacts again, support staff can quickly find information about the previous request and continue to assist the customer effectively.

crm software

Customer CRM management software helps improve customer service quality

Interaction between employees and departments

CRM creates a common platform for departments within a business to share information about customers. Thanks to that, sales, marketing, and customer service staff can work closely together, ensuring information is continuously updated and customers receive the best service. For example, sales can update information about new business opportunities into CRM, so marketing can deploy support campaigns.

Marketing Automation 

CRM allows businesses to automate marketing activities, saving time and human resources. Tasks such as sending marketing emails, creating landing pages, and customer segmentation can be performed automatically based on pre-set rules and conditions. For example, a fashion store can automatically send happy birthday emails to customers, or send special promotions to customers who haven't shopped in a while.

customer management software

CRM software helps save time and human resources

Sales forecast (revenue, sales, profit)

By analyzing data collected from CRM, businesses can accurately forecast sales, revenue, and profits. This helps businesses plan their business more effectively and make the right investment decisions. For example, a company that produces home appliances can forecast demand for summer products based on sales data from previous years, and then plan production accordingly.

Analyze data based on reports

CRM provides detailed reports on many aspects of business operations, helping businesses better understand customer behavior and the effectiveness of marketing and sales campaigns. From there, businesses can make decisions to adjust business strategies in a timely manner. For example, a real estate company can use CRM to analyze the most effective marketing channels, thereby focusing investments on channels that bring in the most leads.

Classification of customer management software

On-premise CRM software (full package)

This type of software is installed and operated directly on the business's internal computer system. Businesses will pay an initial package fee to own and manage the entire system. Therefore, businesses will have complete control over data. This software often requires businesses to have an IT team to maintain and update.

Cloud-based CRM system (On Cloud)

This type of CRM software is hosted and managed on a cloud platform. Businesses do not need to invest in hardware and software infrastructure but only need to pay a subscription fee. Cloud CRM software offers great flexibility, allowing access from anywhere and easily scaling according to business needs.

customer management

CRM software brings high flexibility to businesses

Customer management software according to industry and field characteristics

 Different industries have their own requirements for customer management. Therefore, many CRM software are specifically designed to meet the needs of each industry. For example, CRM software restaurant manager helps control customer information, reserve tables, order dishes and track transaction history. For spas, CRM software supports managing appointment schedules, services, customer information and promotions for regular customers. In the hospitality sector, CRM software helps booking management, customer information, customer loyalty programs and feedback from customers to improve service quality. In addition, CRM software can also be adapted to other industries such as retail, healthcare, education, etc.

Comprehensive CRM software solution

This is a solution that integrates all the functions of a CRM system from customer management, customer care, marketing automation to data analysis and sales forecasting. Comprehensive CRM solution helps businesses manage the entire customer interaction process from A to Z, thereby optimizing business operations and enhancing customer experience. 

Viindoo CRM

Viindoo CRM

 Comprehensive customer relationship management support 

Viindoo CRM is not simply software but also a reliable companion on your business's customer relationship management journey

>>>> Read More About: CRM System

Compare CRM software

To help businesses get an overview of the software, below is a summary table comparing outstanding features and specific prices.

Software nameOutstanding features

Package prices

Viindoo CRM
  • Comprehensive Sales Pipeline management
  • All-in-one data management
  • Effective customer relationship management
  • Work management and customer care quality
  • Real-time visual reporting with 100% accuracy


Standard Package

Luxury Package

Learn more  

Zoho CRM

  • Manage all customer information, including the ability to group, search and share customer information.
  • Automate Marketing processes, Standardize customer service processes, Save costs and optimize work processing time.

335,000 VND/ 1 user/ 1 month

Getfly CRM

  • Manage customer information and transaction history. 
  • Support creating automatic call and email schedules.
  • Analyze customer data and marketing effectiveness.
  • Supports integration with other applications to optimize business processes.

480,000 VND/ 3 users/ 1 month

Fastwork CRM+

  • Manage all customer information on one system
  • Handle all sales activities
  • Provide free platform

60,000 VND/ 1 user/ 1 month

1Offfice CRM

  • Store customer data centrally
  • Track sales opportunities, increase the likelihood of signing contracts
  • Close connection between Marketing and business
  • Automate sales processes and assign work 
  • Accurate analysis system, intuitive business reports

Direct contact

Salesforce CRM

  • Store centralized customer data
  • Track sales opportunities, increase the ability to sign contracts
  • Closely connect Marketing and business
  • Automate sales processes and assign work 
  • Accurate analysis system, intuitive business reporting

600,000 VND/ 1 user/ 1 month


  • Centralized management of customer data
  • Sales management and supervision
  • Merchandise and inventory management
  • Optimization of quote creation, order making, and approval processes

800,000 VND/ 1 user/ 1 month

HubSpot CRM

  • Store customer information according to sales staff's activity time
  • Software integrates with advertising manager, synchronizes customers directly from advertising into HubSpot CRM
  • Automatically tracks interactions Customer interaction via sms, email, social networks, or phone calls,...

800,000 VND/ 1 user/ 1 month

Bizfly CRM

  • Permission to import/export customer dataSales management and supervision
  • Automatically save customer information from (Website, Application, Chat, POS System...)
  • Data encryption and information screening customers, Store customer interaction history and employee care activities

Contact for quote

CRM Insightly
  • Store customer information
  • Manage customers and potential opportunities
  • Manage project work
  • Integrate data analysis tools and report on business situation and business revenue  
  • Send emails directly and maintain contact with customers.
335,000 VND/ 1 user/ 1 month

10 most effective and easy-to-use customer care software today

Viindoo CRM

Viindoo CRM is built on Viindoo's giant software system platform, providing comprehensive customer management solutions for businesses. The software stands out with its ability to centrally manage data on one platform, automatically create and manage leads flexibly, and can be accessed anytime, anywhere.

The special feature of Viindoo CRM lies in the ability to automatically remind appointments, create email templates and plan comprehensive customer care, helping to save time, minimize errors, and increase interaction with customers.

In addition, CRM software developed by Viindoo also has real-time reporting features with diverse and intuitive charts. This is an important tool for businesses to evaluate performance, adjust strategies and make easy decisions.

In addition, with a consulting team with more than 10 years of experience in researching and developing software solutions, Viindoo is confident to accompany and solve difficulties in the process of implementing CRM in businesses. Currently, we also have a free lifetime use program for any app, including Viindoo CRM. Therefore, businesses can test run the software system they choose to limit investment risks.

crm software

Key features:

  • Centralized management: Integrate customer data from various sources into a single platform, and automatically generate leads and manage 360-degree data.
  • Effective customer journey: Monitor and control each employee's care, Store all information that sales staff are in charge of.
  • Optimize sales performance: Automatically remind appointments and schedule automatic calendar reminders, minimize errors and increase customer interaction.
  • Real-time reporting: Update reports in real time, visual charts help track churn and conversion rates.
  • Flexible access: Discuss online from any device with an internet connection.

>>>> Additional References: ERP sales software

Sales CRM software - Zoho CRM

In the list of trusted customer care management software, the name ZOHO CRM cannot be missing. This is an effective customer information management solution, helping to solve basic problems in managing and building customer relationships. With a simple user interface, customizable modules, automation functionality, and social media integration, Zoho CRM can meet the needs of small-scale business usage.

customer management software


  • Provides a free version for 3 users.
  • User-friendly interface, easy to use.
  • The paid version offers a free 15-day trial.


  • Does not support Vietnamese language, causing difficulties for Vietnamese users.

Getfly CRM customer care management software

GetFly is one of the leading customer management software for small and medium businesses. Although it has just appeared on the market, GetFly has quickly asserted its position with all the necessary features. This software provides a comprehensive and professional solution for customer management and care, helping to save time, optimize resources and achieve breakthrough revenue growth. 

crm software


  • Manage detailed customer information  
  • Supports sending email marketing and SMS automatically  
  • Detailed customer statistics report  
  • Business owners can manage on just one smartphone  


  • The interface is not user-friendly  

Customer relationship management software - Fastwork CRM

FastWork CRM is also good customer care software with full features. FastWork CRM automatically collects information from marketing sources and centralizes management in one convenient interface. In particular, this software helps businesses standardize the sales process according to the work chain, from managing leads, customers, quotes, sales opportunities to closing contracts. In addition, FastWork CRM has the ability to manage detailed permissions and high security, helping to avoid data loss.

customer management


  • The software has an intuitive, easy-to-use interface, helping users in Vietnam quickly get acquainted and utilize it effectively.
  • The software provides comprehensive customer management capabilities from transaction history, contact information to notes and interactions, helping businesses capture customer situations in the most detailed way.
  • Supports many automation features such as automatically sending emails, task reminders and task assignment, helping to save time and minimize errors in the customer care process.


  • Only suitable for B2B businesses, limiting flexibility for other business models.

Customer care management software - 1Office CRM

1Office CRM software provides smart features to help business owners manage customer relationships and many other business operations. Specifically, 1Office CRM supports marketing campaign management, customer relations, sales, purchasing, warehouse, revenue and expenditure, and integrates utilities such as call synchronization and process automation. The software also manages supplier information, inventory status, warehouse import and export, and tracks business income and expenditure. With comprehensive features, 1Office CRM is suitable for businesses from small to large, and even multi-industry businesses.

customer management software


  • Strictly manage and store customer information 
  • Support performing customer care activities right on the software  
  • Integrated call synchronization feature, helping to save call history and customer interactions.


  • The software calculates costs accurately for each user and each function  

Customer management software - Salesforce CRM

Salesforce CRM software is a comprehensive customer relationship management software with diverse features in the fields of marketing, sales, commerce, and customer care. The software provides features such as email marketing, mobile marketing, and social media advertising. Besides, Salesforce CRM also supports collecting and tracking customer information, finding and nurturing customer relationships.

customer management


  • There is a free trial
  • Able to customize according to the specific needs of the business.
  • Easy to use and user-friendly interface.
  • Powerful in sales management features.


  • More suitable for medium and large businesses, may cause difficulties for small businesses.
  • Does not support Vietnamese, this may create difficulties for Vietnamese users.
  • Usage costs are quite high, especially for small businesses.

Customer management software - AMIS CRM

Misa brings AMIS CRM solution to help with smart customer management and effective sales. Businesses can automate every process from reaching potential customers to closing orders, increasing sales speed and increasing revenue. With comprehensive customer management capabilities, AMIS CRM helps businesses have a 360-degree view of customers to build better relationships. Besides, the software also provides immediate charts and analysis reports, supporting leaders in making quick and effective decisions in business management.

crm software


  • The interface is designed to be simple, making it easy for users to operate and take advantage of features.
  • The software has the ability to integrate well with other software in the AMIS ecosystem such as accounting, human resources, work... helping businesses easily synchronize data and optimize work processes.
  • AMIS CRM has a mobile version, allowing employees to access and manage customer information anytime, anywhere.


  • Not many customer care features have yet been developed.
  • Some businesses with specific needs may have difficulty customizing the software to fit their company's internal processes.

Customer relationship management software - HubSpot CRM

HubSpot is one of the world's leading CRM software providers, headquartered in the US, featuring a comprehensive range of customer relationship management features. HubSpot CRM not only supports Marketing, sales and customer care but also integrates the CMS content building toolkit. Outstanding features of the software include recording detailed information about customers, storing sales staff activities such as calls, emails, and notes over time.

customer management


  • Provides a free version with basic features suitable for small businesses.
  • Diverse features and good data linking capabilities.
  • Integrating customer relationship management features from Marketing, sales, customer care and CMS content building toolkit.
  • Record detailed information about customers and store over time the activities of sales staff with customers.


  • Lacks business analytics features compared to some competitors like Salesforce.
  • The paid version has a fairly high minimum cost, starting at $45 per month.
  • Difficult to use for those new to using CRM software.
  • Does not support Vietnamese, causing difficulties for Vietnamese business users.

Customer care software - Bizfly CRM

Bizfly CRM customer relationship management software supports multi-functional customer management and care for businesses. With the ability to handle sales work, store and secure customer data, and the ability to automatically divide and track employee work, Bizfly CRM creates favorable conditions for the development and success of your business. a sales campaign.

crm software


  • Suitable for every business: Bizfly CRM is designed to meet the needs of every business, from small to large.
  • Flexibility and diverse integration: Provides flexibility for customization to each business's specific needs and the ability to integrate with many different systems.


  • High cost: Bizfly CRM requires high usage costs, which can be a challenge for businesses with limited budgets.
  • Request a contact to get a quote: To get pricing details, users need to contact the supplier directly, which can add confusion in the decision process.

Purchasing management software - Insightly CRM

Insightly CRM is CRM software for small businesses. The software has full functions of collecting potential customer information, automating workflow, managing customers and setting up sales processes. In particular, Insightly CRM has a free version. However, this version limits the number of users to 2 and does not support a data backup system. If you need more features and want to scale, Insightly's paid plan is ideal.


  • The user interface and experience are designed to be friendly, easy to learn and use.
  • The free 14-day trial helps users experience many features before deciding to buy the paid version.
  • For small businesses or individuals, a free version is available for 2 people, helping to save costs.


  • May not fully meet the needs of medium and large businesses due to lack of diverse features.
  • The software does not have Vietnamese language support, which can create difficulties for Vietnamese users, especially in understanding and entering and using data.

Distinguish the difference between CRM and ERP software

CRM software and ERP software are both important to business, but they serve different purposes. 


CRM software (Customer relationship management)

ERP software (Enterprise Resource Planning)

Main target

Build and manage customer relationships, increase customer satisfaction and loyalty, and drive sales.

Optimize business activities, effectively manage enterprise resources (human resources, finance, production,...) to increase performance and reduce costs.

Focused object

Customers (potential customers, current customers)

All activities and processes of the business

Main function

Manage customer information, automate sales, marketing, customer care, and analyze customer data.

Manage finance, accounting, warehouse, production, projects, human resources, reporting.

Suitable business

All businesses, especially businesses that interact a lot with customers.

Medium and large sized enterprises with many complex business activities.

Which departments need to use CRM software?

Sales Department

Sales teams use CRM to manage detailed information about potential and current customers, helping to track stages of the sales process from onboarding to closing. Thanks to CRM, the Sales department can automate sales tasks such as sending emails, scheduling calls and tracking transaction progress, helping to reduce errors and save time. In addition, CRM provides sales forecasting tools, helping Sales plan sales more accurately and optimize business strategies.

Marketing Department

CRM is an indispensable tool for managing and tracking marketing campaigns. Marketing departments can use CRM to analyze the effectiveness of campaigns, thereby adjusting and optimizing marketing strategies. CRM also helps create and manage automated email marketing campaigns, personalizing messages sent to specific customer groups. Through CRM, this department can track customer behavior and interactions, thereby understanding needs and preferences to help increase marketing efficiency and improve conversion rates.

customer management software

Marketing departments can effectively track campaigns thanks to CRM software

Human resources department

The enterprise's human resources department uses the CRM system to track job candidates, instead of using other software for each recruitment process. At the same time, they will take notes and collect data to track the work results and productivity of employees in the sales and marketing departments.  

Customer care department

CRM helps the customer service department manage and track all support requests from customers, from receipt to resolution. Thanks to CRM, this department can record and resolve customer complaints quickly and effectively, while maintaining long-term relationships with customers by storing a history of customer interactions and issues. Surname.  

Other related departments

CRM software is also useful for departments such as Finance, IT, and Product/Service Management. Finance departments can use CRM to manage and track financial transactions related to customers, helping to ensure transparency and accuracy in financial activities. The IT department supports deploying, maintaining and updating the CRM system, ensuring the system operates stably and safely. Product/Service Management can collect feedback from customers through CRM, thereby improving products/services to better meet customer needs and desires.

Criteria for choosing appropriate customer care management software

How to choose the right customer management software? Below are some criteria to help you choose the right CRM customer care management software for your business:

  • Simple, user-friendly interface: Ensure the software has a streamlined interface, providing an excellent and easy-to-understand user experience.
  • Flexibility: Choose CRM software that can be customized to your business's unique processes and needs, from adding modules, creating custom processes, to automating repetitive tasks through workflow. workflow.
  • Scalable: If your business plans to grow in the near future, choose a CRM that supports custom modules and processes, flexible integration with third-party applications.
  • Mobility: Customer management software needs to provide the ability to access data from anywhere, especially important if sales teams operate in sales locations. This helps them close deals effectively and update information immediately.
  • Security: Customer relationship management software needs to have a secure data storage center and standard security measures to ensure security to protect customer data.
  • Data backup feature: The process of migrating data from existing Excel or CRM to the new CRM needs to be quick and easy to do so the business can operate efficiently from the start.
How to choose the right CRM software

In addition to the above criteria, to own good and suitable CRM software, businesses should also consider setting out the features needed in the software. Specifically, a quality customer management software should have:

Centralized customer data management

The software should have the ability to collect customer data from many different sources such as websites, zalo, social networks, emails, events, external transactions, etc. The process of synthesizing and managing data sources needs to be automated. to ensure consistency and ease of processing customer data. In addition, the software needs to support easy customer classification, making the most of data sources to come up with appropriate and effective remarketing, upselling, and cross-selling strategies for each segment.

Customer management software

Optimize customer care service

The software needs to provide businesses with a centralized information storage and exchange platform combined with features to track and manage the entire customer experience journey. Thereby, automating customer care service to bring the best service experience.

Manage processes and sales teams effectively

The features of automatically reminding appointments and creating customer care email templates help the sales team easily schedule regular customer care, ensuring timely follow-up and reminders, helping businesses not miss a customer. Or what work needs to be done? Therefore, when choosing CRM software, businesses should consider this feature.

Automated lead generation

The software should have seamless multi-channel integration, allowing businesses to interact with customers through many different touchpoints such as email, live chat on the website, registration forms... Besides, the software should The software must also support automatically generating leads from different sources, automatically calculating potential scores, indicating the ability to successfully convert leads into sales opportunities.

Report customer information in real time

Besides professional features, customer management software also needs to have the ability to create and update reports in real time. This will help administrators more easily grasp the management situation, care for and build relationships with customers.

With all of the above requirements, Viindoo CRM can meet you. The software centralizes all customer data into a single platform. Automatically create leads when customers fill out a contact form. 360-degree customer data has filtering and grouping criteria to segment customers to serve future growth campaigns. Furthermore, the software also automates the customer care process with email templates for fixed situations, helping to reduce the time spent performing repetitive tasks for the customer care department.

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With increasingly fierce competition in the business world, owning an effective customer management software is a decisive factor in the success or failure of a business. Contact Viindoo via hotline 0225 730 9838 for advice on CRM software suitable for your business process!

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Jun Nguyen August 1, 2024