15 effective recruitment strategies and practices [LATEST SUMMARY]

Businesses are looking for effective recruitment strategies and practices to build a team of high-performance employees at work. In the article below, Viindoo will introduce to businesses 15 ways to recruit quality personnel.

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Establish a specific and appropriate recruitment process

The recruitment process is important to recruit the right people for vacancies. A suitable recruiting process and recruitment strategy will help HR people limit mistakes when choosing candidates. Different businesses will be different in the interview process and recruiting tactics. However, the general core is well-prepared in every step to find the most potential candidates.

effective recruitment strategies and practices

The recruiting process is essential to hire the right candidates

Build a clear & detailed JD (Job Description)

Create a job description with clearance and precision is another method among the best effective recruitment strategies and practices. This is indeed the most important element when announcing a vacancy.

For potential candidates to understand the position, the job description should contain full of necessary tasks, skills, required qualities, working environment, benefits, etc. The more detailed the description, the higher the probability that the business will find suitable and potential candidates. Enterprise could read the article What is a JD? What is the meaning of JD in recruitment?​ to know more.

effective recruiting strategies

The job description is an important element in the recruitment announcement

Utilize employees’ relationships

One of the effective methods of recruiting employees is utilizing the personal relationships of employees. HR employees can find talented candidates by encouraging employees to introduce suitable people. The recruitment department can conduct this by posting vacancy announcements in the company's internal newsletter. After that, employees can have full information and recommend it to friends or relatives.

Use recruitment software

Recruitment software can help businesses find candidates. The software will help control scattered resumes, manage multi-channel recruitment, and limit errors in data entry. As a result, the recruitment department can find qualified personnel without missing candidates.

Using a recruitment management system is now a trend for businesses to find talented candidates. The use of software has greatly contributed to the development of the business’s employer brand. This helps attract quality candidates to the company.

If businesses are looking for effective recruitment software, Viindoo is a worth-considering. Viindoo software allows businesses to build recruitment databases and record candidate profiles on a single platform. Therefore, candidate data will not be scattered, making recruitment work more efficient and faster.

Moreover, Viindoo automates all recruitment processes so that recruiters can save more money and time on recruiting talent.

best recruiting tactics

Viindoo Recruitment Software

>>>> More Reference: What is Cloud Recruitment Software: 9 criteria

Connect with Colleges, Universities, and Vocational Education centers

Connecting with Colleges, Universities. or Vocational Training centers is another effective method of recruiting personnel. This will help businesses recruit more effectively while saving more costs and time.

Educational institutions are good sources for businesses to look for qualified candidates. Through connections with these institutions, businesses can easily promote themselves to the future generation of potential employees.

Viindoo connects with educational institutions

Viindoo connects with educational institutions

Conduct interviews through phone

Phone interview is a worth-trying tactic among the listed effective methods of recruiting employees. This method is gradually becoming a trend because it helps employers save a lot of time and costs. Thanks to the continuous development of technology, the mobile interview method is used more and more.

For a phone interview, recruiters should prepare a detailed questionnaire before calling candidates to save time for both sides. Good preparation also helps screen candidates to disqualify poor applications. As a result, the recruitment process will be optimized.

effective method of recruiting personnel

Phone interviews help save time and costs

Build a recruitment website

Large enterprises such as Unilever, Vinamilk, VinGroup, etc. receive massive job applications submitted every recruitment session. A well-designed recruitment website greatly contributes to this positive reaction.

Using Viindoo Website, businesses can conveniently create a professional and impressive recruitment website with smart drag-and-drop. The website created is compatible with different devices such as phones, laptops, or tablets.

effective recruitment tools

Create a recruitment website with Viindoo software

Build a positive employer brand

Strong employer branding helps businesses easily access the quality human resources market. The better the employer brand, the more likely businesses can hire quality candidates. A strong employer brand also helps businesses to effectively retain talent.

There are 3 reasons why a strong employer brand is important, it helps: attract talent, retain employees, and save time and costs.

Besides, according to a recent survey:

  • Up to 75% of candidates search for business information on the Internet before applying.
  • 39% of candidates accept a lower salary if the business has a positive working environment and provides opportunities for career development. 
effective methods of recruiting employees

Building employer brand

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>>>> Read About: How to  measure recruitment effectiveness: 9 criteria

Announce recruitment with Video

Using Videos to announce recruitment is gaining more and more popularity. Thanks to the development of modern technology, recruiting efficiency significantly increases as applying new recruitment tactics such as recruiting through Livestream, Video, etc.

A report from Facebook showed that this recruitment method has resulted in a 36% increase in applicants. Hilton has also proven that the company can save a lot of money when using such an innovative recruitment method.

Check the mobile recruitment website speed

In the current digital age, everybody owns one or more mobile phones. Many candidates use their phones to search for a job. Therefore, businesses must optimize the speed of the mobile recruitment website to improve the candidates’ experience.

If the website speed is too slow, candidates may lose patience. According to a survey, up to 60% of candidates will leave a job site if it is not optimized for mobile, and 40% will leave if the business has a lot of negative reviews.

Therefore, recruiters should spend time self-experiencing the recruitment website and evaluate it from the perspective of job seekers. It is important to know:

  • Is the process of logging in to the website difficult?
  • Has the data processing speed been optimized or not?
  • What is the recruitment content?

For any arising problems, recruiters need to immediately find ways to solve them to increase recruitment efficiency.

effective recruitment strategies and practices

Check the recruitment website speed

Organize seminars

Another method to know among the most effective recruitment strategies and practices is organizing seminars. This can increase the interaction between employees, employers, and candidates. Seminars can also support expanding relationships and open up opportunities to find talented candidates. 

When participating in external seminars, businesses should send representatives to brand themselves. Consequently, businesses can not only learn knowledge and build relationships but also gain potential candidates.

Organize recruitment events

Organizing recruitment events is one of the best recruiting tactics. Businesses can organize different types of events such as job fairs, workshops, etc. These events can be held at universities, vocational schools, online seminars, or via Facebook Livestream.

effective recruitment strategies and practices

Recruitment Day

Make use of old candidate data

The next tactic among the most effective recruitment strategies and practices is taking advantage of old candidates. Former employees with positive reactions can also be potential candidates.

When recruiting former employees, businesses can shorten the time for employee integration. Former employees can take advantage of available knowledge and work experience to work with high efficiency. A good source for businesses to refer to build candidate data is the talent pool. Enterprises could read the article: What is Talent pool and how to build one to understand this method.

effective recruiting strategies

Former candidates can be potential candidates

Place banners and recruitment billboards

Placing banners and billboards is among the most effective recruiting strategies. This method is quite useful when businesses want to find unskilled workers who are not too exposed to modern technology.

Through the above article, Viindoo compiled for readers 15 effective recruitment strategies and practices. Hope this article is useful for businesses and helps find qualified and suitable candidates. If businesses are looking for effective recruitment tools, please leave a comment under this article for our advice.


When beginning the recruiting process, an important task to consider is conducting a thorough job analysis to clearly define the job requirements, responsibilities, and qualifications. This ensures a solid foundation for effective candidate sourcing, screening, and evaluation.

Behavioral interviewing involves asking candidates about their past behavior and experiences to predict how they will perform in the future. This technique is effective because it provides insight into a candidate's skills, personality, and work style, helping identify the best fit for the job.

Employee engagement is essential in recruitment because engaged employees are more likely to refer qualified candidates to their network, improving the quality of hires and increasing retention rates. Engaged employees also have a positive impact on your employer brand, attracting top talent to your organization.

15 effective recruitment strategies and practices  [LATEST SUMMARY]
Viindoo Technology Joint Stock Company, Yen Nguyen May 9, 2023