10 scientific and effective warehouse management ways for businesses​

Effective warehouse management will help business activities run more smoothly while avoiding cases of product loss or unnecessary risks. Let's learn with Viindoo 10 effective ways to manage inventory through the article below.

What is warehouse management? Why do you need inventory management?

Warehouse management is a combination of activities of organizing, arranging, designing warehouse structure, monitoring, and checking the import and export process of goods in the warehouse. An effective warehouse management process will help businesses control the number of goods, and the amount of inventory in the warehouse, avoid losses, and achieve high efficiency in business activities.

Viindoo Inventory software helps improve the efficiency of the enterprise's inventory management.

Warehouse management is the activity of arranging warehouses reasonably to make business activities easier.

Building a reasonable and strict warehouse management method will help businesses receive the following benefits:

  • Avoiding loss of goods: The strict management and reconciliation of goods will help businesses avoid In case of damage to goods and money such as theft, fire, breakage, mold, etc.
  • Business plan: Control of goods will help businesses know which products are selling well and which are not thereby building appropriate production business plans and not wasting resources.
  • Flexible capital: An effective warehouse management system will help businesses balance the number of backlogged goods and limit the case of damaged or expired goods due to being kept in the warehouse for too long. From there, avoid the slow roundabout capital.

Not only large enterprises but other fields such as restaurants or small business households should also focus on organizing inventory management effectively. 

>>>> See More: 12 best professional warehouse import and export management software

Effective warehouse management ways

Warehouse management is not a simple job, especially for businesses with many warehouses, and large quantities of inventory. Here are 10 warehouse management methods that can achieve high performance, making business operations run more smoothly.

Arrangement and layout of the warehouse

The simplest way is to arrange the warehouse so that it is smart and convenient for import and export activities and goods searches. This will save businesses a lot of time as well as make checking goods easier for managers and employees in the warehouse. 

  • Sort products and merchandise according to a certain convention, such as alphabetical or production time. You can also put items that are often used outside and items that are used less often inside.
  • Unify warehouse arrangement rules and provide training on how to arrange for all employees in the warehouse, and at the same time cultivate a sense of reasonable and neat warehouse arrangement, convenient for picking up goods. 

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Label or Barcode All Goods

Barcodes can contain all information about a product including date of manufacture, the purpose of use, and things to keep in mind when transporting,... Labeling or barcodes on goods will help businesses increase accuracy for stages of a search, stock count, packaging, and shipping goods.

Barcodes look simple but can contain all the information about the product.

Barcodes look simple but can contain all the information about the product.

>>>> Useful Information: Warehouses using QR Code? Advantages and disadvantages

Monitoring the import and export process closely

Enterprises should have records for the export and import processes to avoid loss of goods or other risks. Staff can be trained to check the quantity and quality of goods based on the information on the warehouse receipts and warehouses, and then proceed to the new standard inspection for incoming products.

In addition, businesses ensure when exporting and importing goods into the warehouse, there must always be staff on duty to adjust and control. 

Periodic Inventory Check

Enterprises should carry out warehouse inspection activities after a certain period of time. This activity will help warehouse owners and businesses control the number of goods on paper and the data in reality. In addition, periodic inspection helps businesses detect problems early and quickly fix them.

Assigning responsibilities to each warehouse worker

Businesses with multiple warehouses can build a management system with tiered tasks and managers. Building a management system with clearly divided tasks will help employees be more clear about each person's responsibilities, limit conflicts between managers and employees as well as avoid causing loss of goods in the business process.

Liquidation of expired goods

Building a control system for expired products will help businesses promptly detect expired goods and conduct liquidation quickly, avoiding negative impacts to other items. Businesses can identify items that have expired by stickers, barcodes, or by area of ​​production and inventory dates.

Viindoo Inventory software helps improve the efficiency of the enterprise's inventory management.

An effective warehouse management system will help businesses promptly liquidate goods that have expired.

Applying the Lean Manufacturing model

Manufacturing means a management model to reduce redundant control and management steps without affecting work performance. This is an effective warehouse management way and is often applied by large enterprises. 

A Lean Manufacturing model that can be applied to build a warehouse management system is FIFO (First in - First out). This is a model of arrangement so that the item that is in stock first will be shipped out first. Businesses can divide goods by area based on the date of arrival, thereby limiting the situation of goods running out of value due to long storage. 

Calculating Inventory Turnover

Inventory Turnover - Calculating inventory turnover is an effective inventory management way and helps predict the time of receipt of goods. The inventory turnover ratio represents the cycle of goods in circulation in an operating period, thereby making accurate predictions about the market. Businesses can use this factor to calculate the average time it takes to sell out all items in stock. As a result, businesses can plan to import goods more rationally.

Using the warehouse card

A warehouse card is a separate sheet of paper, often used to control the quantity of imported and exported goods or the quantity of inventory. Each item will have a separate warehouse tag that is regularly updated by the salesperson or warehouse staff. A bookkeeping system with full information on the import and export, and the arrangement of goods will help businesses easily detect problematic management stages.

Using inventory management software

To make the inventory management process more efficient, businesses can support the above methods with simple, easy-to-operate inventory tracking and arrangement software. Quality software will provide effective support to warehouse managers and employees in the process of inventory control. 

Inventory management software, general warehouse management Viindoo Inventory is a solution to help improve efficiency in inventory management & supply chain of enterprises. The software has some outstanding features such as:

  1. Linking related information such as parameters, inventory counts, import-export forecasts, where and how goods are sorted, etc.
  2. Use filters to sort goods by category, product group, size, stock status, serial number, etc.
  3. Having a system to calculate and control product life and inventory time. Warn when it's safe to ship.
  4. Manage multi-units, and convert units on demand.
  5. Record the source and destination of all movements arising during storage by combining the two methods of Lavoisier and Double Recording.
Viindoo Inventory software helps improve the efficiency of the enterprise's inventory management.

Viindoo Inventory software helps improve the efficiency of the enterprise's inventory management.

Ready to experience the excellence?

Viindoo Inventory - Multi-warehouse management system, covering internal transfer, timely supply, real-time inventory eports. 

Automating supply chain operations, control in-out, inventory adjustment, stock accounting,... Avoiding supply errors, capital stagnation, and waste of corporate assets.

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Notes when managing warehouses

The storage process may appear inadequacies such as fire, explosion, natural disaster, or loss of goods, businesses should anticipate possible risks when storing products and develop appropriate remedial plans for each case.

The content of the above article has provided knowledge about effective warehouse management methods that businesses can apply to their business activities. Viindoo hopes that businesses will choose a reasonable method to save time, costs, and human resources in the storage of goods.

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10 scientific and effective warehouse management ways for businesses​
Jun Nguyen January 6, 2023