Features Of ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) In Business Management

ERP is a software that brings many outstanding advantages that can help the business management process be more efficient. This is thanks to the outstanding and optimal features of ERP that other systems cannot meet. Let's find out in this article of Viindoo!

Features of ERP

The outstanding feature of ERP are the ability to expand and develop over time to accommodate different businesses without affecting the structure of the software. ERP system eliminates separate systems in components such as Finance Software, Human Resources Software, Sales Software, Production Software, etc.

Comprehensive management of all operations in the business

Features of ERP supports the management of all processes and departments in an enterprise with modules in ERP - from Purchase, Sales, Accounting, etc. From there, managers can capture the overall picture of the business situation, instead of learning from discrete reports by each department.

In addition, all business information is concentrated in one location allowing enhanced cooperation and completion of transactions. This full visibility allows managers to easily track processes across departments while making workflows more coherent, from there can fully exploit the benefit of ERP.

Structure of ERP software system

Features of ERP in business management

>>>> Learn More: ERP business management

Removal of separate departmental software 

Collaboration is an important factor in helping a business thrive. Sharing data on separate and discrete software must be done manually, which potentially leads to many errors. ERP can help connect all these transactions and software, directly sharing data from one department to another.

Other features of ERP include streamlining collaborative processes by providing employees with access to the data they need right on a centralized system. This increases efficiency and reduces costs of manual data tracking. It also contributes to higher employee engagement.

Structure of ERP software system

ERP helps connect individual parts of the business

>>>> See More: Benefits of ERP

"Buy one ERP solution - Get three products” offer

With an ERP solution, businesses do not simply purchase a software product. In fact, instead of spending resources on multiple systems, when you buy an ERP solution you can get three products:

  • Management solutions
  • Software program
  • Means of connection

For employees, training on features of ERP will be much quicker than that of separate software. Employees only need to learn one system instead of interacting with many individual platforms.

Analysis features of ERP systems in business management

With ERP, all business management activities are completed on one system.

Structure of ERP software system

ERP system in business management

R - Resource

The letter R in ERP stands for Resources, which comprises human resources, finance, and technology. The application of ERP characteristics in the enterprise necessitates the conversion of these assets into resources:

  • Enabling each department to develop resources to serve the company.
  • Planning and developing departmental resource development plans to ensure constant inter-departmental coordination.
  • Building the most efficient utilization process.
  • Always updating accurately and timely on the company's resources situation.

P - Planning 

The main feature of ERP for businesses is to make use of and capitalize on these resources effectively. First, ERP calculates and predicts the possibilities that may occur during the company's production/operation management.  

For example, ERP helps to accurately calculate the material supply plan for each order based on the total material demand, schedule, productivity, supply capacity, etc. Thanks to that, the company always has enough production materials without excess inventory.

In addition, ERP creates links between corporate offices and member units, between and within departments, forming a business process that every employee in the company must follow.

Therefore, the feature of ERP is to calculate and forecast the possibilities that may arise, thereby planning to allocate and coordinate resources effectively.

Structure of ERP software system

Structure of ERP software system


Enterprise Resource Planning handles all operational areas such as planning, analyzing, etc. through a unified and multifunctional software system. As a result, enterprises can track, manage, increase dynamism, and ensure the business prompts responses to continuous changes in the external environment. 

Hopefully, the features of ERP mentioned in this article will make managing all activities in your business easier. Contact Viindoo via the hotline at 0225 730 9838 if your business needs advice and support!

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Features Of ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) In Business Management
Viindoo Technology Joint Stock Company, Van Anh Nguyen July 26, 2022