How to use Question bank

Survey Viindoo system provides the Question bank feature to accelerate the survey creation. When creating a new survey, users only need to choose questions from the available question banks and they will be imported automatically to the survey form.


This tutorial requires the installation of the following applications/modules:

Install and create a question bank

Question bank installation

To install the Question bank feature, do the following steps:

  1. Access to Viindoo Apps;

  2. Turn off the Apps filter;

  3. Enter “Create Exams Using Surveys” in the searching toolbar;

  4. Choose Create Exams Using Surveys and click on the Activate button.

Question bank installation

On the other hand, you can navigate to Surveys > Settings, check on the box next to Survey Exam and then click on Save to activate the Question bank feature. After saving, Create Exams Using Surveys module will be installed.

Activate Question bank feature

Create a question bank

To use the Question Bank feature, users need to be granted Survey Exam Manager rights.

Survey Exam Manager Rights

First, create a Question Bank Category:

  1. Navigate to Surveys > Questions & Answers > Question Bank Categories.

  2. Click on New.

  3. Fill in the information and press Save button.

Create Question Bank Categories

Next, create a Questions Bank:

  1. Navigate to Surveys > Questions & Answers > Questions Bank.

  2. Click on New.

  3. In the creation form, add the desired question.

  4. Choose a category for this question.

  5. Select one of the available question types: Choose only one answer or multiple answers allowed.

  6. Create answers for this question by clicking on Add a line, define the correct answer, and score for this selection.

  7. Check the information before pressing Save button.

Create Questions Bank


  • You can configure other options for a question following instructed steps in the create and manage online surveys article.

  • You can also set time limit for surveys, which allows enterprises to create more challenging tests and create live survey sessions.

Use Questions Bank in survey generation

To create a survey using the questions bank, you need to do the following:

  1. Create a survey and press Save button.

  2. Press Import Questions Bank to display the Import Questions form.

  3. Click on Add a line to add the question created previously and press Import.

Import Questions from Questions Bank.
  1. The new question will be imported to the Questions section of the surveys.
